Drama level 3

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Lonsy, Oct 18, 2022.

  1. I have all of the top part of the drama level tree maxed except the group pvp. What am I missing to get drama level 3 open?
    SandyCheeks likes this.
  2. Same question I cannot find it anywhere 🥲
  3. Glad it's not just me. Everything I have been told to do is done. My entire top half of the drama lama tree is maxed
  4. If you guys are talking about the task for living room 13, I just level the drama slot (under need for speed in drama llama tree) to level 2 and it unblocked drama lvl 3 for me, so it's kinda weird
  5. I am I have everything maxed so I don't know anymore
  6. That's weird, try sending a help ticket
  7. Thanks! Yeah I did that too. I think it's a glitch.
  8. You can check this guide out:

    How to Defeat Drama Encounters

    Maybe you just forgot to hit/drama with Evelyn in any Level III locations, which is what some levels of Living Room require for you to upgrade to the next.