Biggest issues for new players

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by haysforhroses, Oct 19, 2022.

  1. The number one question I see in global is around drama level 2 encounter. Folks run into it as a blocker for living room and it’s not clear from the wording of the research tree where you need to go. Maybe integrate better into story? And/or make the wording more clear within SC academy (new folks don’t understand to look at other trees though).

    once you get through that, folks also don’t understand how to find a level 2 encounter. The map is nice and has good mechanics (imo) but it’s not part of the tutorial or story flow at all.
  2. I agree with this. Drama encounter 3 is just as hard. It sends u back to sc acedemy but doesnt tell u wat you need unlocked.
    Yimi, iFobia and _Eru_ like this.
  3. I literally scrolled around in circles for so long on the map, confused. So I get this!
  4. So where do you find a level 2 drama encounter. Im dying to find out myself
  5. If you've already done the Research check out level 2 Arcades or level 2 cafes
    Goddessluv likes this.
  6. How do you know it level 2 café or arcades tho..?
  7. They say for example “Arcade II”. You can tap the button bottom left of map to see a zoomed out view with the different zones of the map.

    ^OP this is what I’m talking about 😂