Separate names with a comma.
Rename tokens are in the Basics Section of the shop for some gems. I believe in you!
Oof. Broke my last post, and I can’t edit posts here for some reason. Anyways, try using ["img]URL[/"img] without the quotes instead of imgfit and...
For those getting [IMG]
Mine used a couple lenses to complete it (I cannot do contacts unfortunately), and I think the Remi submission did something over the top to make...
I would assume until the winners are chosen time, which from the post is: "Winners will be chosen by 12 PM on Wednesday, November 2."
XP Bars are for leveling up your roomie, and are used from going to Roomies on your Phone, selecting a Roomie, then Level Up. You will notice the...
You are the only person here saying with rl money, after you theoretically recycled an essential furniture after it told you a warning that it...
This may be a bug, otherwise, errands return every 6 hours from when you first opened the previous set. You can see the timer if you go to Phone...
You can get up to 3 story content a day from doing Dailies. Most likely, you already completed your dailies before your recent prompt, but you...
[img] If the notes are unreadable, let me know. This was a spur of the moment, "Hey..I can do this already!" scramble. PS: imgfit didn’t work,...
If you tap specific furniture in your living room, they will have different names, like Living Room Art Decor, etc. Most likely, you need to...
For Home-floor level furniture, there is a highest rarity per-slot, which for some slots is common. There is nothing really wrong with using a...
Current scoring allows someone to “Waste” time during “No Time to Waste” to gain rank quickly (if "inefficiently"). [img] According to a couple...
If you have it researched, even though it says "Impossible," you can still do the Collab. It is just the hardest difficulty so you will take more...
Go to City, tap any public building nearby (such as Arcade, Gym, Vintage, Bookstore, Cafe), and look for Evelyn in the left side of those...
If you have roomies out (on a "March," but this just means outside of the home), then you will see this error and be unable to relocate.
The followers cap can’t be increased at the moment. If you are attacked you can lose them all.
One interesting bug we encountered during the “giveaway” was that all “Incoming” notifications appeared as level 22 AJs, which was certainly a...
[IMG] 11 Players/21 Roomies Total Participated in the 20 October 2022 (server time) $489k "Giveaway!" Critical Hits fluctuated, just including if...
You can also rename by going to Phone (bottom right), then tapping your name / the pencil icon next to your name.