NEW ROOMIE The mysterious Morgan arrives in the City!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ramona, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Is it chilly in here, or did Morgan just walk in?

    A devotee of the creepy and the macabre, MORGAN uses her podcast "Yesterday's Yicks" to tell stories of history’s mysteries, famous hauntings, and gory unsolved crimes. Some folks wonder if she’s a real witch—so stay on her good side, just in case!

    Morgan doesn’t like it when bullies start throwing their weight around and wants to cut them down to size, so when she leads a Rivals rally, she debuffs all the Rival's stats! A spooky queen, she’s at her best when doing Drama or Rival Rallies in the Nightlife Neighborhood. When taking on Rivals, she can sometimes boost any one stat... and boost it even more if she’s in a bookstore, her favorite place to find new material for her show!

    The stronger she gets, the less energy it takes to head to a Rival encounter, and the faster she gets there, eager to take them down a peg. And sometimes, if you’re leading a rally with her, she’ll get a boost to all her stats—and that’s a guarantee when specifically leading a Rivals rally!

    🍂🕯️ Follow Morgan’s story from Level 1 to Level 30 🕯️🍂

    ✨🔮 A special VIP Morgan Avatar reward available exclusively through her Story, Morgan the Macabre! 🔮✨

    ✨🔮 Story Rewards to Entice and Bewitch 🔮✨
    3000x Home Decor Tokens
    2600x Gems
    10x Morgan Pops
    1x Celestial Bed
    1x VIP Morgan Avatar

    Morgan’s Story will unlock for you as long as you have the following:
    ★ Completed Dramatic Aspirations story
    ★ Collected 10x Morgan Roomie Pops

    Where to get Morgan Roomie Pops:
    ★ Celestial Harmonies event rewards
    ★ Celestial Harmonies LB rewards
    ★ Roomie Powerup Boxes

    ✨⭐️ Celestial Harmonies (Free) and Shoot for the Stars (VIP) event details HERE ⭐️
    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Oct 12, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2023
    Aphelios, Samanthais and WildKitty like this.