So our crew decided to take off auto join but noticed there’s no good way to manage requests. You can’t set a minimum influence for applying, and there’s no way to click on the player requested to see their influence. Hopefully this changes in the future! Is this an inconvenience for anyone else?
Yes. I think this is/was a common feedback. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, this forum isn’t visited very often due to going outside the app, as well as not having an actual PC log in. The official discord is a good way to gather this information and try to get it to the devs
Ah that’s frustrating to hear. Not everyone has discord. I come from PIMD and the forums are very active there. I was hoping this would be a similar case
What our crew put in our description is to contact either the leader or one of the executives, because then they will be able to see the player’s influence and then they can decide if the influence is at the level your crew is wanting