EVENT Ready To Roll (Free) and Tat-Too Cute (VIP) Events are here!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ramona, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Ready To Roll (Free)
    Tat-Too Cute (VIP)

    October 5th, 2023 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time
    October 19th, 2023 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time


    Event Contests and Jammer Drinks will be available until October 18th at 2 PM PST.
    Players will have an extra 23 hours after that to collect their event rewards, until October 19th at 1 PM PST.

    Earn points in the Ready To Roll (Free) and Tat-Too Cute (VIP) events by collecting Jammer Drinks, which can be earned from a special Event contest each day and from opening Drink Shakers in the store!

    Collect these from Daily Event Contests + Drink Shakers to earn event points!


    Drink Shakers! Open these using Jammer Drink Tickets to get Jammer Drinks.

    Drink Shakers will be available in the Store until October 19th @ 2 PM PST WITH Jammer Drinks in them.
    After that, they will be available until October 24 @ 1 PM PST WITHOUT Jammer Drinks.

    How to get Jammer Drinks Tickets:
    🛼 Completing stars in the Ready To Roll (Free) and Tat-Too Cute (VIP) event contests
    🛼 Or purchase them directly from the Store through IAPs


    To-tatt-ly not enough for you? Then take part in the Tat-Too Cute (VIP) event!
    Unlock this VIP event by purchasing the Tat-Too Cute VIP Invite IAP in the Store!




    How to get your hands on this Roller Furniture Set:
    Opening Roller Rink Sets
    🛼 Purchasing them directly in the Store through IAPs
    🛼 Purchasing them directly from your Home using Gems



    What's in the Roller Furniture Set:
    🛼 Billie Roomie Pops
    🛼 Roomie Power-up Materials
    🛼 Roller Furniture Set pieces from Rare to Legendary!

    Earn Roller Furniture Set Credits the following ways:
    🛼 Completing stars in the Ready To Roll (Free) and Tat-Too Cute (VIP) event contests
    🛼 Purchasing them directly from the Store through IAPs

    Choose which of the two avatars above you want to rock by earning a Tattoo Machine below from completing 9* on the Ready To Roll (Free) event! Exchange this Tattoo Machine in the Store for the avatar you desire!

    These avatars will be available at the Store until October 24 @ 1 PM PST.


    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Sep 27, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2023
    OasisKing112 and TweetyBirdDID like this.
  2. Didn't see the tattooing chair as rewards 👀