Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Clever_Deadlift20, Oct 12, 2022.

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  1. How do I find my PIMD account to access my rewards?
  2. Have you linked both accounts using the same email login.
  3. You have to login to the same ATA ID in both games to get the rewards in Party In My Dorm. Also you would have had to select Party In My Dorm as the quest option in Single City to get the rewards
  4. It wouldn’t let me , said my name was taken so how can I fix this
    MizzKeela and Lash like this.
  5. You don’t need to have the same IGN as what you have in PIMD. What you have to do is link your SC account to the same ATA id you use on PIMD. It can be found in the settings “Sign in with ATA”
    AnicoreGaming and Muqadir like this.
  6. How to select party in my dorm as quest
  7. You’ll have to wait till the Crossover Quest becomes active. It may take a bit.
    Raksha likes this.
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