Missing Purchased Items

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Nora_SpicyNugget, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Hi Single Life Team,
    I had recently purchased Luxurious Entryway Offer (2022-10-13 06:45:17 UTC)
    I am missing 2 items, wall and the floor.
    Kindly assist to expedite in this, when convenient thank you.
  2. Dear Single Life Team,
    I have received the full items. Thank you for the prompt reply and expediting to my request efficiently.💓Stay safe and keep cool/warm always!
    Have a good one, with warmest regards.
  3. Hi Nora, if you're missing your in game purchases I recommend contacting them through the in game support via the following steps

    1) Click the phone in the bottom right
    2) Click the settings (3 Dots)
    3) Then click get help at the top A member of the support will respond as soon as they can.

    Best of luck hopefully you can get your purchased items :)