I am once again asking when gems will be returned to the game. It's an important currency that players should not have to pay for. What kind of PvP game doesn't allow players to protect themselves (or save coordinates on the map)? We need gems to change our usernames, relocate as we progress, shield from attacks, and now to purchase thrift store items. So will level 5 players stay stuck in a level 3 area unless they shell out the coins to move? Can we also talk about how the items for material boxes aren't scaled with collab levels? Rewards should not be the same as lower level collabs, especially since it uses more resources to open boxes. What incentive is there to improve one's collab level if the boxes get more pricey, the drop rates aren't better, and we don't get more resources to open the more expensive boxes? With every update the ATA team talks a big game about improving the furniture system. This has not come to pass. Players have been stuck for weeks upon weeks now with no end in sight. The Thrift Store is the latest major slap in the face (the last one being avenues to obtaining free gems being significantly reduced). It costs gems (which, to reiterate, no one has) to buy resources to upgrade furniture. After doing the math, obtaining items via the Thrift Store ironically costs more gems than actually buying a pack with the items we need. Since the way research works in SC Academy has been altered to use more rep, as opposed to food or cash, why not have a currency conversion system? There's virtually nothing to use food on anymore aside from destressing, so we have a lot of it. Why not allow us to convert our food into gems since it's been made clear that the ATA team no longer wants to give them out for free? Also, please add rep as a gathering objective. After a certain point in the game, it is all most players care about. We care about cash too, but we can't spend it since our homes have been stuck for weeks and all... Aye, cast your vote! Link to poll: https://forums.playsinglecity.com/threads/gems.4/
I’m confused about the gem part. I have almost 800 gems saved up and didn’t spend a penny on the game, I’ve gotten gems just from playing the game. For example, I get gems from opening boxes in the material market in the furniture section of the store, and I’ve gotten more gems just from playing the game.
Hopefully the problems you mention don’t materialize on my server by the time we get there - the game just released a few days ago on my App Store, so I’ll cross my fingers things smooth out by that point in the game.
Go to SC Academy via your phone icon or your living room and tap city slicker. You want to research how to make friends, it will say 0/3 if you can’t do collab level 2 yet.