Furniture bonus clarifications please

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MizzRedd, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. I’m a bit confused on how the furniture bonuses are factored, and how to work them to my benefit overall.

    Assuming better rarity = better stats (Common, rare, epic, legendary is the order?) should I save off on tiering furniture up unless it’s legendary? I’ve been using cash to upgrade but it seems like each rarity shares the same main material to tier up.

    Why is my common level 10 hot tub giving me more influence than my level 6 legendary hot tub? Both tier 1.

    Does all the furniture in my storage factor into my influence? Or just the furniture “placed”?

    Any tips on using furniture to my advantage are greatly appreciated
  2. Roomie furniture has differences but Room furniture seems to only differ in cost and materials. Save your Rares if you can, make sure you ultimately have enough Room furniture to upgrade / to still do the daily Room upgrades.
    I would presume in the future that legendary Room furniture will give better stats or influence, but it just hasn't been worked in yet
  3. Definitely do not tier up your Room legendaries or you'll literally never be able to get them past lvl 20-30
    Muqadir likes this.
  4. I don’t think this is great advice - I have a legendary piece at 24 which has higher stats than a level 30 epic which in turn has higher stats than all level 40 rare

    legendary and epic are definitely more expensive, but that’s not a bad thing if you upgrade during right contests.
  5. Unless room furniture doesn’t mean roomie in which case ¯\_(ツ)_/ is the issue with home furniture leg the bolts?
  6. For Home-floor level furniture, there is a highest rarity per-slot, which for some slots is common. There is nothing really wrong with using a lower rarity piece in a higher-rarity slot, the main issue is that eventually those lower-tiered pieces won’t be able to be tiered up further.

    However, my understanding is that home-leveled furniture that is recycled returns all the materials (minus the Cash spent), so there is nothing wrong with leveling the Home-floor furniture you have, and replacing them later.
    Roomie Furniture (floors 2-5), behave a little differently.
    MizzRedd likes this.
  7. Before I start recycling things, I would love more feedback on this. Then I’d feel safer upgrading things that I don’t need upgraded to fill events. I’m worried about tiering something rare up like living room art and recycling, just to then have all the cushions be wasted.
  8. You definitely get the upgrade materials you’ve used on a piece back when you recycle it. You can confirm by going to recycle it will show you (just don’t say yes)

    that said don’t recycle a t2 rare art, that’s something you need
    MizzRedd likes this.
  9. Are epic or rare roomies better and what is the difference between the two classes?
  10. Epic roomies have higher base stats and higher ceiling for stats. I.e a rare lvl 50 roomie will have less overall stats than a lvl 50 Epic roomie with the same furniture