Activity checks

Discussion in 'Crews' started by SavageRaine, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. I think it would make it a lot easier on crew leaders if you added something that tracks crew members activity. You have a crew leaderboard that lots of us try to rank in, but we can't tell who's actually participating and who's not. Maybe making a crew activity board, and every point that they earn towards the gig, they earn towards a crew reward.

    Basically a crew leaderboard for each crew but only crew members can participate in. (Ex. xo crew leaderboard only xo crew members can earn points in. )

    Or just add a way Captain's and up can see who's doing their dailies, collaborating, and gathering vs who's just a ghost member

    I hope this makes sense 🌹

    I posted this the other day in feedback but saw a crew section added.

    I also have another suggestion:

    Give captains the ability to see members last login like execs have. Captains are virtually useless other than they can assign new roles to members.

    My crew bases guest/member role off activity and I'm sure others do as well this would help us have extra eyes making the right adjustments.
  2. I have another suggestion, make a crew hive location token, where you can be teleported near your crew leader(preferably choose which house to move into but just shows where the leader resides) so crews have an easier time getting closer to one another.

    Better yet, make a setting for crews where you input the coordinates for were you want your crew hive to be, so members can start grouping/moving close to one another and the leader isn't tide down to one spot.

    So like the relocation token, a crew relocation token. (Hopefully give one or two for free like the other token)
  3. I’m not sure if it’s necessary for leaders to see our progress on Dailies, if you mean the personal ones.

    However, I agree with displaying the crew activity/contributions. That’ll be helpful for leaders to see who’s helping with the crew gig. Tho if that will be implemented, we’ll be seeing crews setting a required contribution per member like on other games, which can be both nice and not for some depending on their game style, either chill or competitive/aggressive. Either way I think that’s a good feature though. I was actually tryna look for it when I saw my crew gig’s ranking. I’m like “ooooh lemme see how much help I did overall or if I’m just a useless piece of flesh 👀” lol jk. But yeah nice idea!