Separate names with a comma.
How is this update helpful ? You’ve not “given” ANYTHING and only TAKEN AWAY !!! If we are FORCED to spend 1000 Gems to buy Relo Tokens then there...
ISSUE with this change … there are only 2 Epic DEFENDERS and not one single LEGENDARY Roomie has DEFENDER included as part of their ROLE
Still ABSOLUTELY MUST start including REP from Ally Purchases in with HOME CAP … or AUTO-COLLECT that Rep !!!!
Looked at wrong list. NO ERROR HERE. CONGRATS Alkary
Rank 41 is INCORRECT Alkary (TCO) in 167 is NOT at that level
As far as purchase options … this event has been the BEST. Really liked the Roomie Upgrade (from purchased cards) …. Separate from the Roomie...
WOW. One 2 ppl from 167 on here. Proud to Rank 29.