Single City's First Christmas: A Christmas Tree-Making Competition

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Marceline_AT, Dec 23, 2022.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Ho ho ho hos!

    Interested in winning some Gems and Winter Furniture Box Credits?
    Looking to school your Crewmates even if there aren't any Gems involved? Well there are, so don't worry!

    We'd love to see some creativity come into play so here's how you can win some Gems for this festive fun!


    December 22 - December 29
    12 PM Pacific Time

    We want to see your Christmas tree MADE OUT OF ANYTHING and/or EVERYTHING!!!

    So, in the comments section below, post a PICTURE of your handmade Christmas tree (it can be as big or as small as you like, done by yourself or maybe you recruited some little helpers, it's all good)!

    We want to see the most creative Christmas trees out there (scroll down for some inspiration)!

    To ensure legitimacy of your entry (i.e. you didn't just download something from Pinterest), somewhere in the photo MUST be a handwritten note with your Single City username on it!

    You could be holding it or have it placed somewhere in the frame.

    Entries without a physically handwritten username won't be valid, sorry ❤️‍🩹

    An example from me:

    Festive tree and festive glitter optional.


    I like this – encourages you to step up.

    NERD !!!!!!

    Creepy?? Or hands on???


    Entries will be judged based on creativity, originality, effort and amusement factor.
    The contest will close on 12 PM Pacific Time on Thursday, December 29
    with the winners announced by end of day!

    5,000 Winter Box Credits + 5,000 Gems

    3,000 Winter Box Credits + 30,00 Gems

    2,000 Winter Box Credits + 1,000 Gems

    4TH - 10TH PLACE
    4-10th - 1000 Winter Box Credits + 250 Gems

    That's not all!

    1,000 Winter Box Credits if you post your entry on Instagram and tag us (@playsinglecity)
    250 Gems if your entry is Single City-themed!

    (Please upload/link your Instagram post in the comment section below if you are also sharing to Instagram.)


    1. Upload your photo over at!​
    2. You might have to create an account if you don't have one.​
    3. Once uploaded, right click on your image, and select 'Copy Image Address'.​
    4. Paste this link between the IMGFIT code below:​
    For e.g.

    Good luck out there, pals! 😎😎😎
    KirscheMage and Geass like this.
  2. Can it be a drawing?
  3. #3 vexo, Dec 23, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2022
    Marceline_AT and PussyCat like this.
  4. It has to be a real tree that you make! You tree can be made of drawings if you like 👀 😊
    PussyCat likes this.
  5. [​IMG]

    Tree made of paper grocery bags, shredded tissue paper, and first edition SC exclusive ornaments!
    #VEX #Zepheryn
    Marceline_AT likes this.
  6. I just realized that I’ve spelled my own user name wrong in my hand written sign. The correct spelling is Zepheryn. Please let me know if I need to resubmit with a corrected spelling.
    Marceline_AT likes this.
  7. [​IMG]

    I made a lil baby tree by exacto cutting up my take out boxes at lunch today 😂 throw some markers in and bada bing, bada boom. A baby tree that I find cute with a hand drawn setting. (Fingers crossed the image posts, I've never used imgur before)
    Marceline_AT likes this.
  8. [​IMG]

    Now 🤭
    Cryptenia likes this.
  9. [​IMG]

    Booksmas tree. 🎄🎁📚📖
  10. So… I know, I know, this is a "Christmas Tree" competition. But here in my small sector of Single City, my roomies think Christmas is "kinda lame" (their words, not mine) and they prefer to celebrate for 8 days instead of just the one. I tried to convince them to follow the instructions and just make the damn tree, but Billie was particularly adamant and started threatening me with drama if I didn't follow their rules—and I was already low enough on cash from buying them each those 8 presents, so I really couldn't take any more drama for the day.
    And so, with heavy disappointment, I introduce…
    (Drum roll, please…)
    LordHavoc's Christmas Tree Menorah!

    I'm sorry guys, I tried to stop my roomies, I swear. But don't worry, I'm totally getting back at them by not crediting them in the picture.

    (Oh god, Billie, what are you planning on doing with that couch cushion?! I'm sorry, I'll credit you next time, I swear! …Guys?? Zoey??? Anyone???? AHHHHH-mmmph!)
    Marceline_AT and Cryptenia like this.
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