EVENT Merry Crewstmas: A Very Merry Crew Contest!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Dec 22, 2022.

  1. [​IMG]

    From now until December 27th at 12 PM PST, a very festive Crew Contest is available for you and your Crew, with rewards you'll all enjoy!

    Go on a hunt with your Crew Mates to earn yourselves Holiday Crew Packages and gain points in the Merry Crewstmas contest!


    TL;DR but here's how it works:
    ☞ Wrapping Paper + Tape + Trinket = Holiday Present
    ☞ Each Holiday Present you create gives you a point in the Merry Crewstmas contest
    ☞ At 100 Holiday Presents, you can purchase 1 Holiday Crew Pack in the Store for you and your Crew!

    Literally you and your Crew.
    #1 Marceline_AT, Dec 22, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  2. No drops seen yet
    Arita91 likes this.
  3. Trinkets shouldn't be reserved for last hit, it should drop from all rallies. Trinkets is literally the only thing I have yet to collect despite doing 4 rallies already.
    x_Marvelous_x, BlacKnight and Arita91 like this.
  4. I got some tape and wrapping paper. Not really sure how to get the other one.
  5. Sounds fun 😀
  6. It’s too difficult to get trinkets. It’s only 5days and it’s not enough!
    Arita91 likes this.
  7. So are rivals just chads? Or other players?
  8. Just Chad! The word Rival can always be replaced with Chad. (I am hopeful for the day when they get rid of the word Rival from the game and replace it with Chad. It is very confusing the way it is.)
    Muqadir likes this.
  9. So where exactly do I go to get chads??
  10. Who are the rivals?
  11. Right! No one seems to know or can explain to us exactly how to get these trinkets from Rivals.
    It should not be this difficult to play this game, always having to figure out how to complete tasks when it should be easily understood. Makes me want to just stop playing it...
    Muqadir, NevaSatisfied and A_Elise like this.
  12. Ooh, I hear you!

    However, Chad is currently the only Rival but we may introduce other Rivals in the future!
    MizzRedd likes this.
  13. Hi! It seems you are new here!

    Here's our forum post about Rivals aka Rad Chad:
  14. My main problem with this is that those who haven't unlocked the ability to create drama in level 3 locations cannot fight rivals (and thus can only buy trinkets with gems). It seems the only way to get 100 would be P2P.
  15. but where is Chad? I haven’t been able to see him at all when I could before? Yes I have him unlocked a long time ago but he disappeared from this event….
  16. I unlocked that pretty quickly, this event isn’t ideal for brand new players but that’s like any game. Don’t use recommended research, research things as you need them and participating will be easy. I’m f2p and I already have 42 presents. Goodluck!
  17. They don’t spawn randomly, RadChads spawn because of drama with Evelyn’s! When you defeat an Evelyn, you have a 5% chance of spawning a RadChad. Level up a good fighting roomie so you can defeat Evelyns in 1 or 2 hits and you’ll be spawning him in no time!
  18. How to get tape though? Last hit on drama, but with who? Evelyn?
  19. Yes, when you win on Evelyn you will have one tape
    Average_BookWorm88 likes this.
  20. Ah, that's interesting and does explain why they aren't just called Chad. That being said, I still do think it would be very beneficial to name them something else, since Rival sounds like it easily could mean PvP. (Chances are that you are rivals with someone if you want to steal their rep/cash.) Maybe there is a less ambiguous option? Like, I don't know, Landlords? Or Exes? (I'm sure there are better words, I just tried to quickly think of things that SC players would want to attack that clearly aren't other players.)
    Tifa and MizzRedd like this.