EVENT The Great Single City Crossover

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Oct 12, 2022.


Which ATA game is your favourite?

  1. Party in My Dorm

    584 vote(s)
  2. Kingdoms of Heckfire

    14 vote(s)
  3. Kingdoms at War

    39 vote(s)
  4. Single City, duh!

    122 vote(s)
  1. [​IMG]

    What's up, babes?

    You may have noticed a wave of brand new residents moving into Single City! This is a part of the most daring ATA crossover yet!

    The Single City Crossover
    Players from our other games (Party In My Dorm, Kingdoms of Heckfire and Kingdoms at War) will be playing and levelling up in Single City to earn rewards in their home game!

    October 12 2022 1 PM - Nov 12 2022 1 PM

    By levelling up their Living Rooms, players will receive exclusive Single City™️-themed rewards in their game of choice!


    You don't have to miss out on the fun! If Single City has been your first time playing one of our games, now is an excellent time to check out our other masterpieces! 😉

    🍵 Fun fact! 🍵
    When the ATA devs were first brainstorming on our next game, it was inspired by the question, "What if Party In My Dorm and Kingdoms of Heckfire had a baby?" Thus, Single City was born!

    Single City in its beta stages👆 tbf, that's still Single City rn.

    So what are you waiting for? If you're loving Single City, you might as well come explore our other games and earn rewards while you're at it!

    iOS | Android

    Kingdoms of Heckfire
    iOS | Android

    Kingdoms at War
    iOS | Android


    STEP 1. Link your ATA ID

    Once you've downloaded the game of your choice (whether it's PIMD, KOH or KAW), make sure you link your Single City ATA ID to that game!

    This is how we know who you are and which account to grant rewards to.

    How to set up your ATA ID if you've never done it:
    1. Go to Phone > Settings > Account
    2. Tap on 'Create ATA ID'
    3. Create your ATA ID + password.
    4. You're set!


    Signing into ATA ID on Party In My Dorm:
    1. Go to Settings (gear icon).
    2. Select Account Management.
    3. Select SIGN IN (WARNING: ⛔️ NOT "Create")
    4. Link your ATA ID (MUST be the same ATA ID as Single City!)​

    Signing into ATA ID on Kingdoms of Heckfire:
    1. Go to Settings (gear icon).
    2. Select SIGN IN (WARNING: ⛔️ NOT "Create")
    3. Select "Sign in with ATA ID" (MUST be the same ATA ID as Single City!)​

    Signing into ATA ID on Kingdoms at War:
    1. Go to Settings (top left of the game).
    2. Select Account Management.
    3. Select SIGN IN (⛔️ NOT "Create")
    4. Link your ATA ID (MUST be the same ATA ID as Single City!)​

    STEP 2. Be at least Living Room Level 3

    Once your Home is at at Living Room Level 3, a story quest featuring Gigi will pop up! She'll ask you which game you'll want your rewards in! You will only be able to choose one game so pick wisely 😉


    STEP 3. Level up your Living Room!

    For every milestone Living Room level you reach, you'll receive ✨ fancy ✨ rewards in the game of your choice!

    If you've been playing Single City a long time (you're so cool) and have reached multiple Living Room levels, good for you! You got a head start and will automatically receive your rewards in your chosen game!

    Here are the special rewards for reach game:
    Party In My Dorm
    Kingdoms of Heckfire
    Kingdoms at War

    STEP 4. Wait for rewards to be distributed!

    Rewards will be distributed to each of the three games daily at 1 PM Pacific Time! Please note that you must log into your KAW account within 6-12 hours 1 PM Pacific Time to receive them. If not, you will receive them the next day!


    Can I transfer Cities and play with my friends?

    Send in a Help ticket (Phone > Settings > Get Help) and if you are eligible for a transfer to your City of choice, we'll move you right over!

    I've played Single City for a while... can I still earn rewards?!

    Yes! As long as you have the same ATA ID linking your Single City account and the account in the game of your choice, you will receive rewards for all Living Room milestones you have achieved and can continue to earn rewards as you grow your account until the end of the crossover!

    Hey, I'm at Living Room [insert whatever level past 3 here]. Why aren't I getting my rewards?!

    First, make sure both your games have the same ATA ID linked to it! For instructions on linking, see above!

    Second, make sure you're past level 3 the Crossover story quest has begun on your account! Ensure that you've told Gigi which game you'd like to get rewards in.

    Finally, rewards are only being distributed every two hours starting at 1:30 PM Pacific Time! Then again at 3:30 PM, then 5:30 PM and so on. If you miss the last round of rewards distribution, you'll have to wait for the next round (two hours later)!

    More burning questions not answered here? Post them in the comment thread below!

    Literally the kind of energy I fully expect to see coming out of this crossover.

    #1 Marceline_AT, Oct 12, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2022
    PussyCat, Muqadir, Vagsicle and 6 others like this.
  2. This is exciting! Thank you ATA!😄
    DaddyWith_a_Bod and Marceline_AT like this.
  3. Finally the ultimate crossover we all have been waiting for is here 🔪
    Marceline_AT likes this.
  4. I actually love the crossover events :)
    Harlot and single_city like this.
  5. I’ve been preparing for this very moment 🚶🏻‍♂️
    single_city likes this.
  6. I couldn't receive any reward on my pimd account
    _Eru_ likes this.
  7. Ooooh crossover 😁😁 This’ll be fun
  8. 😩 I have the wrong ATA ID linked
    PrincessCarebear likes this.
  9. Bro I put in my email and then @gmail.con Now I won’t get any rewards? Have to delete the whole account and start over? So annoying
  10. good thing i’ve BEEN playing 😎
    TheDollface likes this.
  11. I have accidentally pick the wrong game to gain reward. Help pls 🥺
    duhm likes this.
  12. Did you make sure you have linked the same ATA id as what you have on PIMD? If yes, then like stated above, you just have to check pimd or wait every 2hrs when they distribute rewards.
  13. Hi, just wanna ask what are the rewards and what certain level do the rewards should be able to get?
  14. You can check each rewards on the forums of the game you have, either PIMD, KAW, or KOH. You can only choose 1 game to pursue tho.
  15. How do i know if i have received my new items in PIMD from Single City?
  16. You will see it when you open your PIMD. Should be on that section where you receive buddy boxes. There’s a schedule for when they send out rewards (every 2 hrs) so u may not be able to see it right away, depends.
  17. Hi! I’m not receiving my rewards in KaW, it’s been over 24hrs and my ata emails are both the same, does anyone have a idea what might be wrong plz.
  18. If I’m signed into PIMD through Facebook can I not do that with single city to get crossover rewards
  19. You’ll have to login with your ATA account
  20. ATA you have me hooked😩