UPDATE PVE Changes & Improved Rival Rewards!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Marceline_AT, Nov 18, 2022.

  1. Every city has its resident Rival and Single City is no different… remember RadChad? He's bigger and badder (as in, way more rewarding to beat... curious? Read on!)

    RadChad is a self-appointed nickname, by the way. I'm not sure anyone actually thinks he's rad.

    Defeat RadChad by rallying with your Crew and earn – drum roll please – SPECIAL FURNITURE UPGRADE MATERIALS! (Turns out, that’s actually pretty Rad™). PS he’s currently Single City’s only Rival, with possibly more to come.

    Everything you need to know about Rivals (aka RadChad):

    • Rivals are now the latest way to obtain ✨ Home Furniture Slot Materials ✨ (Couch Cushions, Chair Casters etc.)​
    • Rivals are spawned by chance when you win Dramas aka defeat Evelyn in a Level 3 location or higher.​
      • Evelyn doesn't always call for back up but each time you defeat her, RadChad might spawn!
    • To defeat a Rival, you must be in a Rally with your Crew.​
    • The higher the level of the location where a Rival spawns, the higher the difficulty level, but of course, the higher the rewards are!​
    • If you get a strong enough hit (successful Rally) on a Rival, you will get a reward of Special Furniture Upgrade Materials, XP Bars, and Reputation, in proportion to the Stress you deal to the Rival.​
      • Dealing too little Stress will result in no rewards so be sure to send your best and strongest Roomies.​
    • If you are part of a Rally that deals the final successful rally on a Rival, your Crew will all receive a bonus package in your entranceway!
      • The leader of the final hit Rally (i.e. fully stressing out the Rival) will get a package containing Reputation, Cash, and Special Furniture Upgrade Materials.​
      • The rest of the Crew will get a package containing Cash and Reputation.​


    Defeat Evelyn and a Rival (RadChad) may show up! Send your best Roomie on a Rally with your Crew to kick his ass.

    Other changes to PVE:

    • More PVE (both Collab and Drama) opportunities will be available in each building! This means you’ll see more Pennies and Evelyns to Collab or cause Drama with!​
    • To balance this out, Penny and Evelyn will no longer instantly return (respawn) when they’re stressed out. (I mean, just like roomies, Penny and Evelyn need a break to destress before going back out there. Penny likes to take a hot bath. Evelyn does yoga. Give 'em a moment pls.)​
    • Penny and Evelyn will be back after a 10-minute break.​
    • In the meantime, go out and explore other locations to continue PVE!​

    This update is just the start of a wider change we're making to PVE, PVP, and gathering interactions in the City! In upcoming improvements, we'll also be adding bonus points in events for fully stressing out PVE, as well as improvements to PVP events. We'll also be adding brand new gathering nodes of highly sought after items (wink wink)!

    You can't get rid of the Rad!
    #1 Marceline_AT, Nov 18, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022
    PussyCat, MizzRedd, Forte and 2 others like this.
  2. Sounds Cool
  3. Great! Another way I can kick ass in this game!
  4. Huzzah! More chances of getting furniture materials? Thank you, O' Lords of Single City! (And I'm not just saying this because RadChad is staring into my soul and threatening me if I say otherwise.)
    Zevv likes this.
  5. Is it possible to specify the specific percentage chance that the event boss will come out?
    A friend of mine took 2000 energy for a single tier 2 to show up making the spawn rate around 5%?
    I personally think that is very low
    IVEFALLEN, THOR and Hagatha like this.
  6. Haha. Huzzah!
  7. Probably even lower than that. I just blew almost 4k energy before giving up. Not 1 single spawn.
    Qing likes this.
  8. They have stated on discord that it is 5%. So there is a chance to get lucky, but obviously at 5% there is also a great chance it takes 20+ eve defeats.
    Hagatha likes this.
  9. This is interesting. I like this
  10. Just to clarify, in order to get rad Brad to spawn, I have to fight the Asian drama lady solo?