UPDATE Elder City Map Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Ramona, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    Yes, it's really happening: the ✨Elder City Map Update comes to Cities 142, 149, and 153!


    For our bustling Elder metropolises, the PVE levels that spawn in specific rings is changing! The update will affect both Collab and Drama PVE. It will also apply to resource nodes.


    Typically, the level of PvE and resource nodes that can spawn in a certain ring of the map is as follows:

    Old PvE Distribution
    Ring 1: Level 1 PvE
    Ring 2: Level 2 PvE
    Ring 3: Level 3 PvE
    Ring 4: Level 4 PvE
    Ring 5: Level 5 PvE
    Ring 6: Level 6 PvE
    Ring 7: Level 7 PvE

    Ring 1 locations spawn Lv 1 PvE, Ring 2 locations spawn Lv 2 PvE, etc.

    With this update to the Elder Cities, the level of PvE and resource nodes that can spawn in certain rings will adjust like so:

    New PvE Distribution
    Ring 1: Level 1-2 PvE
    Ring 2: Level 3 PvE
    Ring 3: Level 4 PvE
    Ring 4: Level 5 PvE
    Ring 5: Level 6 PvE
    Ring 6: Level 7 PvE
    Ring 7: Level 7 PvE

    How's that for elbow room!?

    These adjustments will provide more opportunities to engage in higher-level encounters/gathers on the map. Enter map view to get a better idea of where things shift! 🔎🗺️

    BONUS✨: Rivals (RadChad) will now have the potential to spawn in Ring 7 locations, too 🪩 They will spawn at Level 4! This applies to all Cities, not just our Elder ones!


    👉 This update affects where new PvE/nodes will spawn, rather than the level of currently spawned PvE/nodes.

    👉 Existing PvE/nodes whose level reflects the old distribution need to be defeated/depleted before the new levels can spawn in!

    e.g., Defeating a ‘leftover’ Level 6 PvE in Ring 6 will allow a Level 7 to spawn in its place.

    We know this one's been a long time coming 😉 Go on and stretch your legs! 🏃‍♂️🏃🏃‍♀️💨

    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Jan 25, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
  3. But I just lost a Chad in lvl 5 and nodes and energy spawning but thanks for the additional room
  4. now whaaaat is the point in getting me excited for chads spawning in level 7 just for them to be the same level 4 chads??? where’s our level 5’s 😭😭😭 buzzkillll
  5. This made me lose my legendary Glue and legendary nuts because I’m not lvl 7 yet smh
  6. CTFU that's my fav part on step brothers 😂😂🤣💪🫧