CURRENT EVENT πŸŽ„ Merry Crewstmas: A Very Merry Crew Contest 2024 πŸŽ„

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Community, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]
    From now until Jan 7th at 12 PM PST, a very festive Crew Contest is available for you and your Crew, with rewards you'll all enjoy!
    Go on a hunt with your Crew Mates to earn yourselves Holiday Crew Packages and gain points in the Merry Crewstmas contest!


    TL;DR but here's how it works:
    ☞ Wrapping Paper + Tape + Trinket = Holiday Present
    ☞ Each Holiday Present you create gives you a point in the Merry Crewstmas contest
    ☞ At 100 Holiday Presents, you can purchase 1 Holiday Crew Pack in the Store for you and your Crew!

    3* Crew Rewards:
    ☞ Mini Holiday Avatar Store Access Pass!

    These adorable Holiday Avatars were available in-game Winter of 2022!
    Due to popular demand, we're bringing them back as a Holiday surprise 🫢🏻

    πŸͺ Cookie Avatar - Free Event 9* Rewards
    ⛄️ Snowman Avatar - VIP Event 9* Rewards
    🦌 Reindeer Avatar - Free Event Leaderboard

    Reaching 3* of this Merry Crewsmas Event will grant you the Mini Holiday Avatar Store Access Pass!
    Work together with your crew to get your hands on these CUTE avatars πŸ₯°

    The party doesn't stop until we say it does.
    #1 [ATA]Community, Dec 18, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  2. Lil late for a redo of this event tbh ..
    KnotYourDocxx and KitN like this.
  3. This is a BOGUS event !!
    A sad SAD way to end the year ATA
  4. Yay πŸŽ‰ ty πŸ₯°
  5. 1 tape per 3 hits to take down Evelyn!? Absurd! πŸ’€
  6. It seemed like a fun challenge at first but after spending so much time n energy to gather all the materials for one christmas gift for it to turn out to be one 50 energy token 😳 yeah that feels like being scamed.
  7. So bad events. Get reward like 1x5XP or 1x10XP. Absolute joke. The worst event😫
  8. Not worth it to spend so much effort to kill NPCs and get very little rewards. It seems very unfair for us as a player in this game. We spent money to get energy tokens for the event and in return not enough rewards for the effort.
  9. I loved this event when we could one shot Evelyns because of our level. 3 hits on evelyns are too much energy used for nothing much to get
    KitN likes this.