I can't progress because the Lux Roomie Furniture Pack I need is gone! The Timer reads 0000 and if you try to buy it says this offer is expired. This is urgent! Please respond immediately. I started playing Monday and may have to quit the game completely because what's the point if I can't clear the task!
I have a question to why in the last 2 months all roomie furniture tends to only have 1-2 roomie traits and maybe at most I've seen lately 3 traits. What's happening that ATA are no longer giving out 3+ traits on epic/legendary furniture?
I’m on the part where you have to wait for shards to meet Anita Mojito…will I be able to get all the 999s for PIMD if I don’t collect the shards in time? Like, will it let me upgrade my living room if I don’t do this story? And what SC Academy choices should I be doing in order to level up my living room as much as possible? Thanks
Thats because you are only doing level 1 i believe, you have to unlock and gather at higher levels for more cash per gather, higher level gathers offer more tokens and cash per node
My iris is gone. Not in the store where she gathered and not being sent home either. When i send other roomies out it says no available outing slot 😭