EVENT The Great Single City Crossover

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Oct 12, 2022.


Which ATA game is your favourite?

  1. Party in My Dorm

    584 vote(s)
  2. Kingdoms of Heckfire

    14 vote(s)
  3. Kingdoms at War

    39 vote(s)
  4. Single City, duh!

    122 vote(s)
  1. and if you don’t have one, you’ll probably have to create one and link it to both your PIMD account and your SC account
  2. Great work on this event 💚
    goody likes this.
  3. Is there a way to see what PimD rewards there are in advance to know what to work towards, or is it all a surprise?
    Rude_Spoon5 likes this.
  4. The rewards are on the PIMD forum, they posted in Events
  5. Links of forum posts for PIMD, KaW, and KoH, where rewards are listed, are already mentioned in this event post. I'll requote it for you...

  6. How do I get the rewards and get through the games
  7. You need to connect SC and the other game you want to get the rewards with the same ATA id
  8. How I do that who is that
  9. Go to your settings, and you can connect your ATA ID that is used for whatever game you want to get rewards from.
  10. It’s hard to vote on this game yet. To new to tell if I prefer it over a game I’ve been playing for 11 years. I don’t like not being able to see everyone’s stats like you can in pimd. I want to know if I’m bigger. If there isn’t any competition I’ll lose interest.
  11. I typed gmail wrongly how can I fix it i wrote one word wrong help pls
  12. Reply him pls same mistake
  13. You’ll probably need to send in a help ticket to get your ID adjusted.
  14. There are three places you can see this right now: the Trending Leaderboard from your Phone (and somewhere else), in the Contest/Head2Head/Event leaderboards, and when looking for Allies by Player and comparing to yours.
  15. I'm having trouble getting help with my account and I can't upgrade.
  16. Omg I'm gonna be two days out for lvl 15 it's gonna kill me
  17. I know what you mean
  18. Please I need an extension, most PIMD players might exodus after the event
  19. Just so I’m totally clear, this is done and there will not be any more rewards for PIMD players, right?
    Sylus likes this.
  20. Yes, that is right.