LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Home Furniture Gifting arrives in Single City!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ramona, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    An excitinglimited-time✨ feature rolls through the city: Home Furniture Gifting! 💝

    From April 11th - April 15th, show off your sentimental side by sending Home Furniture as gifts to other players 🚚🎁🛋️

    Expect the Furniture Gifting feature to evolve with time, as The Single City Postal Union our team improves it 😉


    Right now, you can only send Home Furniture you already own.
    Roomie Furniture and new player Home Furniture sets are not giftable!
    There is a 24-hour re-gifting cooldown!

    You can can send a gift to any other player, as long as…

    • The recipient has unlocked Gifting​
    • The recipient has not blocked you​
    Send another Citizen a gift by visiting their Home or through their profile:


    Afterwards, you'll have the option to Choose a Gift and attach a li'l message:


    Remember: Not all Furniture can be gifted!
    Giftable furniture shows a handy li'l Gift icon in the Furniture Info popup window.


    When you receive a piece of Home Furniture as a gift, you'll need to wait 24 hours before you can re-gift it. Attempting to re-gift Home Furniture that's still on cooldown gives you an error message like so:



    To see your pending gifts, tap Phone > Gift Box.


    You can accept or reject gifts in the Gift Inbox tab.
    In the Gift History tab, you can see up to 100 days of Gift History.


    Now go on and spread some springtime cheer!

    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Feb 3, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
  2. This is amazing! This should be a permanent feature!
    KitN, FireMami, Muqadir and 1 other person like this.
  3. we're still working on improving this feature :) Home Furniture Gifting in its current state is kind of a trial run as we figure out how to make it better!!
    IAMHIM likes this.
  4. Should be a permanent feature to also include roomie furniture and nuts and bolts
  5. it's limited-time right now coz there are still improvements and adjustments to be made! no guarantees on what's coming next, but we totes understand your enthusiasm for other types of giftables ;)
    IAMHIM likes this.
  6. How do you unlock gifting ??
  7. Lvl 10+
  8. What is the exact time for the event to end if we have a 24 hour wait limit?
    Tiera9 and Juniper_rising like this.
  9. When exactly does the event end on the 15th?
    Tiera9 likes this.
  10. Ramona, we're all dying to know the EXACT TIME GIFTING CLOSES ON THE 15TH 🥺
    Tiera9 likes this.
  11. I'm still wondering when the items that were sent to people's gift inboxes that were not accepted or rejected before the event ended will be returned to the sender?! I have no livingroom furniture atm. 3 living room tier 4 items are stuck in a crew members gift inbox and we cannot access it. when will this be fixed? and when will this be a permanent feature?!
    Moon_Child311 and Tiera9 like this.
  12. No one likes me I guess CTFU but I'm gonna spread the love of course I didn't even know about gifting smh the Tower was down in my area for 24 hrs smh I will survive and succeed still 💪🤣😎