EVENT Our Picture Perfect (Free) and Strike a Pose (VIP) events arrive!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ramona, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    📸 Picture Perfect (Free) 📸
    📸 Strike a Pose (VIP) 📸

    March 14, 2024 to March 27, 2024
    2:00 PM Pacific Time

    A ✨NEW✨ Legendary Roomie struts into Single City, along with our newest event!


    ‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️
    The Event Contests which include Photogenic Drinks will be available until March 26th at 1:00 PM.

    Players will have an extra 24 hours after that to collect their event rewards, until March 27th, at 2:00 PM.



    Earn points in the Picture Perfect (Free) and Strike a Pose (VIP) events by collecting Photogenic Drinks, which can be earned from a special Event contest each day and from opening Drink Shakers in the store!


    Collect these from Daily Event Contests + Drink Shakers to earn event points!


    Drink Shakers! Open these using Photogenic Drink Tickets to get Photogenic Drinks.

    Drink Shakers (not Event Contests!) will be available in the Store until March 27 @ 2 PM Pacific with Photogenic Drinks in them.
    After that, they will be available until April 1 @ 1 PM Pacific without Photogenic Drinks.

    How to get Photogenic Drink Tickets:
    📸 Completing stars in the Free and VIP event contests
    📸 Or purchase them directly from the Store through IAPs


    Put on your best face for the Strike a Pose (VIP) event!
    Unlock this VIP event by purchasing the Strike a Pose VIP Invite offer in the Store!





    This brand ✨NEW Roomie will make you wanna put your best face forward 💋

    Smile! IMOGEN is here to capture your best side. With her keen eye and sensitive touch, this skilled photographer is highly sought-after for collabs. But be warned … when you’re hanging with Imogen, everything is on the record.

    ☞ Completing 7-9* in Picture Perfect
    ☞ Picture Perfect LB rewards
    ☞ Roomie Powerup Boxes Lv2+


    Photogenic Roomie Boxes to be opened with Photogenic Roomie Credits!

    Earn Photogenic Roomie Credits the following ways:
    📸 Completing stars in the Free and VIP event contests
    📸 Purchasing them directly from the Store through IAPs


    Make your room Vogue-worthy with this Photogenic Roomie Furniture Set~


    This Photogenic Roomie Furniture Set can be yours by:
    📸 Opening Photogenic Furniture Boxes
    📸 Purchased directly in the Store through IAPs
    📸 Purchased directly through the Furniture Store with Gems until April 4th @ 1.00 PM


    Earn Photogenic Furniture Credits the following ways:
    📸 Completing stars in the Free and VIP event contests
    📸 Purchasing them directly from the Store through IAPs


    Slip into focus mode at this Photogenic Computer Desk (Epic) - a 9* VIP reward!


    You'll need Leaderboard Tokens to buy Leaderboard Store rewards!


    Collect Leaderboard Tokens by...

    📸 Placing 1st-15th in the Event Dailies leaderboard
    📸 Placing 1st-500th in the free meta event leaderboard

    Leaderboard Tokens don't expire! You can exchange Leaderboard Tokens in the Limited section of the Leaderboard Store for the following Imogen-inspired prizes:


    The picture-perfect LIORA and LUCIAN are limited-time avatars, available in the Leaderboard Store for 2000 x Leaderboard Tokens each!


    Prep for the catwalk with this Photogenic Studio Setup! 🧑‍💻 Available for 2400 x Leaderboard Tokens.

    Enjoy this limited-time event! Take a picture, it'll last longer 😉

    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Mar 1, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
    Bruja and Tiera9 like this.
  2. What will be done about the players that abused the bug?
    Toastie, iamvalkyrie_1st and Tiera9 like this.
  3. Would like to know also, ridiculous difference in event rankings and someone who’s lvl 12 is now very high ranking in the city due to bug!
    Toastie, iamvalkyrie_1st and Sad_Song like this.
  4. I am new to this page