UPDATE Content Extension - Home Edition!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Ramona, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    **Provided all things go well and the Single City gods shine on us.

    Hey, Singles!

    We wanted to bring you a heads up just before today's Same Day Delivery contest starts that brand
    NEW Home level caps are arriving today!


    Dust off those power tools and bring out those protective goggles as we are raising the max Home level from Level 25 to Level 30!

    We are introducing a shiny, new currency required to reach these levels:

    ✨💎 Diamond Bricks! 💎✨

    Diamond Bricks will be required for all new Home level upgrades, starting from upgrades to level 26. You'll be able to start collecting these sparkly bricks once you reach Living Room level 24.

    You can acquire Diamond Bricks the following ways:

    💎 Limited Time Special Login Bonus!
    Once this update is officially released, until November 29th, log in daily to collect a gift of Diamond Bricks from the Store!
    Note that this will only be available for players with Living Room level 24 and higher.

    💎 Participating in Home Decor Contests

    Get to decorating every chance (aka contest) you get!
    Collect Home Decor Rewards Tokens and use them to purchase Diamond Bricks from the Home Decor Shop.

    💎 From In-App Purchases in the Store

    💎 More Sources Coming Soon!™️
    Already looking for more? We got you 😎
    We'll be adding Diamond Bricks to more rewards over the next few weeks, including Dailies and Events - stay tuned!

    At long last ✨, players with maxed-out Homes can start reliving the joys of home improvement!! 🏡🔨
    Start collecting Diamond Bricks and climb that (worksafe) ladder towards Level 30! 🥳🎉

    We'll post another update once this update is live!

    (Just warn your neighbours to bring some earplugs 😉)
    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Nov 17, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2023
  2. Insane
    NotYoMama likes this.
  3. I want to spend all of this cash 😭
    DarkAngelKay and _Valkyrie_ like this.
  5. Cool, but there's still so many that are going to miss out because they're stuck. 🤣 heck, lvl 23lr is 6m.💀 Let's just fix thy glitches please? Thanks Ata!!
  6. Interesting
  7. Finally get to use these home speedups 😄
    BeLuved likes this.
  8. For the love of all mighty. Ata. You couldn't just keep to game cash to level up.? Had to find a way to bleed players out of real life money.. 🙄
  9. Booooooooooooo
    Issa78, Spiggie, DivineLove and 2 others like this.
  10. Your real life cash is what they want.
  11. Just like Magik said some players are stuck, or not even at that level yet. When they do get there, they won't be able to get the bricks. People work hard for thier money and just because some players, don't have actual bills to pay most of us do. They don't always want to be spending money on a game. Why do y'all make it so hard. How about upgrading the map and adding more zones and building?
  12. Diamond bricks only for players at 24 or above. What about the player's you have just made single city harder for!? There should be something for us in Inbetweeners??

    I'm struggling to get to level 18 because of the in game cash required. Now you have made it harder as your roomie needs to be healthy to protect the cap, and other players can steal if your roomie is stressed.
  13. I agree some are struggling
  14. Folks should make sure they’re collabing a lot at the highest level they can unlock and then also.. gathering cash in order to get to 25 and be paywalled out with the rest of us.
  15. This is bad. Free and earnable tokens get you to halfway on the first, cheapest, room. After that it’s hundreds of dollars just to finish level 26. It is not exciting and will not “wash away those Monday blues” to be given the opportunity to pay that much for so little without a f2p path to progress. In fact, to recap, it’s bad.
  16. On the plus side nobody should feel bad about not getting the 50 login tokens, as they don’t do squat for you.
    MayorZ likes this.
    Add something else that makes doing this even worth because there is NO point to the upgrades.
  18. 180 bricks for office lvl26.
    280 bricks EACH for kitchen and garden lvl26.
    5 login tokens REALLY help.. 😑
    Dread to think how many bricks you need for lvl27-29 upgrades.
    Keep this up ata. See alot of players quitting.
    Me included.
  19. Damn! 60$ to upgrade 1 room today!