UPDATE An Important Change to Protected Resources

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Marceline_AT, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Wh
    Facts 💯
  2. So everyone’s time, hard work and for some. Their hard earned money is now being completely negated and now you’ve completely changed how our rep protection is gained? We’ve already worked very hard to increase our rep protection, and it hasn’t been easy. We’ve done all of that for nothing? All of our progress is completely irrelevant now? This doesn’t make sense.
  3. All you had to do was lock players bottom floor if they partake in PvP during PFO. And decrease duration to 12 hours. Instead, an update came about that negates money spent, hard work, and tons of earned items like speed ups, money spent, and gems used to finish building house upgrades and much more.
  4. I agree 100%
  5. I thought yall was going to put in a kidnapping roomies feature 🙏 please
  6. Complete and utter BS! Instead of fixing glitches, introducing more chapters to the origin story or increasing zones 5, 6 and 7; ATA decides to do what literally nobody asked for!

    First of all this new change isn't a balanced change and will tip the balance in favor of already bigger players automatically.

    Secondly, this update forces smaller players to either spend IRL money or face the prospect of losing their hard work, time and (in some cases) their money. There are already bullies in this game and this update will only tip the balance in the bullies' favor.

    Changes needed:
    1. Instead of taking away protected cap, the roomies should ADD protected cap when deployed in second floor and PREVIOUS CAPS SHOULD BE RESTORED IN FULL AS PER BEFORE THE UPDATE!
    2. Roomies should continue giving protection WHEN THEY ARE EATING PIZZA!
    3. Rep destruction MUST BE stopped!
    4. More balanced steps should be taken to ensure fair play instead of steps that literally reward the top 1% of the players!

  7. Literally no one:

    ATA: Let's break the game some more. Never mind the countless glitches we need to fix. Never mind the overflowing zones 5, 6 and 7. Never mind the fact that some servers are now completely lawless and bullies roam free and already make make progress for smaller players difficult; no, lets make it tougher for smaller players. Surely this helps the game in the long run...
  8. Pretty sure no one happy about this new change. You don’t have even have good enough roomies for this change. I demand compensation I would have built my roomies so differently if I knew this would have built my defence lot higher first. You have bear as defensive but how are we suppose to upgrade it when purple stars are so hard to get. You simply just needed an option to have bottom floor locked in to be able to do pfo if wasn’t locked in you can’t hit. You had to wait certain time to be able to unlock after last hit.
  9. No way!
    I just came back to the game after a month off and this news is sorely disappointing! Makes it impossible to upgrade if you keep getting hit by the big players.. doesn't make me want to stick around! Good way to lose gamer's!
    Muqadir and NotYoMama like this.