UPDATE An Important Change to Protected Resources

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Marceline_AT, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. This is just gross. With this change you either need to be one of the strongest to not be affected or spend money on gems to buy shields. So, like others have stated, this is only going to help the whales. Lower players and new players will be getting hammered and constantly losing what they worked hard for and will severely struggle to progress.

    This is not the way to keep the game going and alive. Reverse it back and fix the glitches that have been promised to be fixed for months. Thanks!
  2. Have yall actually updated the game first and then see how it affected you? I didn't like what I was reading either but I refrain from commenting till I seen what a difference it makes.

    After updating, even with some of my defenders out, I now have more protected rss. Like a significantly more is protected.
    NotYoMama likes this.
  3. Many of us have taken a big hit and sending your defense roomies out is the same as evicting, which means going out to drama will drop the cap as well. I personally have taken a big hit in the cap.
  4. I get that, I currently have two of my defenders out gathering and my cap is still significantly higher than it was before the update. So for those who have took a dip, that just simply means their defenders are string. That is a gameplay issue. Your defender should be your top priority when upgrading roomies.
    LOVELY_REX88 likes this.
  5. *aren't strong
  6. For example on my alt account, my rep protected limit was 195,000. With all defenders home it is now 583,000. I sent a defender to go gather and it dropped down to 474.000. Sent a 2nd defender to go gather and it was 408,000. So even with only two defenders home, I still have more rss protected
  7. for as long as game has been out, main way to increase caps was to do everything but worry bout roomies … essentially all the rss we spent in academy & home levels has gone to the garbage bc they decided to 180 how the protected cap works.. 🥴 so am certain the vast majority is getting f-ed over w this update. in short yea we’re aware the defender roomies are the way to increase cap, we can read. the point is all the wasted rss + there isn’t even a legendary defender roomie released yet & they still decided NOW is the time to pull this update..💀
  8. This is so unfair people now will zero bottom floor for the cap to drop to take all the oc. If you gather with bottom floor oc level drop if you feed them oc level drop. How on earth is this fair at all it is not that’s why. All you gotta do attack one person as club kill bottom floor to take mske oc limit drop to rob them
  9. I had taken a massive hit too. But I evicted all my roomies and then moved them back in and the cap seemed to have corrected itself. So mine hasn't actually varied too much. Just means those roomies are now shut ins and can never leave 🥺😅

    And can never eat either 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️
  10. I think this could have been done better. I think that instead of reducing our existing caps, that should have all stayed the same and simply make it so that defenders give an inherit bonus to the caps. I think this would have given the defenders more use instead of the current plan. I also think you could have made it so that the defender skills that increase outing caps also increased home caps on top of this inherit bonus.
  11. Nobody Asked For This! There’s not that many Defender roomies to choose from anyways. What everyone will have to use Remi, Nikki and that rare roomie that’s useless for defender bonuses?
  12. This should be an ADDITION, not MOVING protected caps. redbullqueen said it, refund the resources we spent in the academy to get the cap to what it was. This is a completely unnecessary upgrade, roomies on the defender floor it should increase our cap, not take away from it.
  13. The value is a pro and con. The fact they aren't refunding our resources spent in the academy on increasing the cap, is what is lame. They moved where some of the the cap comes from, when they should've added a place where it comes from. I like the update, but not if some of my resources turns out to be wasted.
    NotYoMama, _BellaGoth_ and KillingBee like this.
  14. As a lower level player (house level 18; most roomies are at 30-31) trying to become stronger this makes it impossible for me. If I put roomies in 2F, I will be destroyed during PVP events. The only reason I can even get my stars for PVP events is when my crew members leave crew and let.me.hit their lower level players. Won't be able to do that now. I'll have to shield during every PVP event and not participate. Very discouraging upgrade!
  15. Get rid of rep destruction
  16. Thanks for the changes, maybe some people won't get bullied on every PVP.
    Muqadir and PrincessPonyHead like this.
  17. My rep cap dropped from 1.9m to 1.2, pizza 3.2m to 2.8m, and cash dropped from 3.4m to 2.7m. That's not small. And if some jerk decides to wipe out my defense, it's significantly lower and I'll lose a ton. If I'm saving up to reach the exorbitant amount for research or upgrades.... it'll be nuts.
  18. We are still waiting on the story to continue, and this is the change you decided to make? Very disappointed 😩 BOOOOOOOO this is absolute nonsense and as I can see from other comments nobody is happy about this crap. 👎🏽
  19. This BS is worst then my EX, i don't know what they're trying to do with it, nobody ask for it, it's the worst update in history of SC for sure. there's plenty of others way to make people have defenders but this is just shit, change it back! or refund us who's constantly upgrading the cap in SC academy!
  20. Very bad, so we all work a lot for nothing
    NotYoMama, Muqadir, CocoLoso and 6 others like this.