UPDATE An Important Change to Protected Resources

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Marceline_AT, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]


    We are rebalancing where Home Protected Resource Caps come from; part of your total cap will now come from Roomies who are actively defending your home.


    • At the moment, home protected resource caps are increased via home upgrades, as well as completing SC Academy courses:
      • Cash - Dining Room + SC Academy
      • Pizza - Kitchen + SC Academy
      • Rep - Dining Room Furniture + SC Academy
    • These resource caps protect your resources from being looted during PVP (Drama) as long as you're under cap.

    • Starting now, some of these resource caps will be moving to Roomies!
      • Specifically, Cash and Pizza bonuses that come from the Dining Room, Kitchen and SC Academy will be reduced, and Rep bonuses from Dining Room Furnniture and SC Academy will be reduced, as they are being transferred over to Roomie bonuses.
    • Roomies will now have home protected resources caps as part of their bonuses.
      • The boost you receive will depend on your Roomie's level and rarity.
      • Naturally, Home Defender Roomies will have an increased bonus compared to other Roomies of the same rarity.
    • Resource cap bonuses from Roomies only apply to Roomies who are actively defending your home! For the bonuses to count, your Roomie MUST
      • Be currently occupying a Defending Room (the 4 Roomie Rooms on the first floor of your home).
      • Be in the room. This means the cap does not apply if your Roomie is on an Outing.
      • Not be fully stressed out.

    • Total Home Protected Cap
      • You can view current home protected cap on the top of your screen, by tapping on the specific resource you're interested in.

    • Specific Roomie Bonus
      • You can view your Roomie's specific resource cap on your Roomie's page > Level Up under 'Bonuses'
        (Known Bug! If your Roomie is at max level, you won't be able to see this. If you would like to see your specific bonus, reach out to support and we'll find out for you! We will be releasing an update that will show resource caps on your Roomie's page soon!)

    • This is an important rebalance for the long-term health of the game.
    • This adds more value to Roomies, to better support their unique roles!
      • Defender Roomies have a ✨ true purpose ✨ for living now, yay for finding your passion, go Kara!

    • Your new total cap following this change may either be higher or lower than your old cap, depending on your Room, Furniture, and Roomies' levels.
    • We will be shielding everyone for 24 hours upon launching this change.
    • Additionally, everyone will receive a 12-hour Do Not Disturb Tag.
    #1 Marceline_AT, Nov 9, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2023
    LOVELY_REX88 and WildKitty like this.
  2. Boo ridiculous upgrade. Refund my rep from the academies I’ve completed to increase cash.
  3. Yall always messing this game up more! How about fixing all the glitches, before implementing things that nobody asked for!
  4. Not what we needed
  5. If all 4 roomies are in my caps should go back to what they were originally. Either way they’re significantly lower. Not a helpful change
  6. So if you pay more to upgrade roomies then you're more safe?
  7. Ricky, when I catch you Ricky! You hiding forever!!
  8. This change is soooo disgusting🤧. If you want a change that has a big use to us as a user: just expand the map esp. level 6 & 7 store.
  9. Nobody asked for this.
    MaybeHuman, Muqadir, CocoLoso and 8 others like this.
  10. If players wanted to stay just below cap on pfo and put smaller roomies to help smaller players get their stars, we can't because they get our over cap!
    Why is so hard to tie not being able to initiate drama vs players with not having defenders on bottom floor?
    It's the same as your sheild breaking to cause drama on another player.
  11. All in all this change is not helpful to those ppl who are not that too strong INFACT THIS CHANGE HELP TO THOSE OP ppl .... it's not a fair game like RPG game🤦
  12. Still ABSOLUTELY MUST start including REP from Ally Purchases in with HOME CAP … or AUTO-COLLECT that Rep !!!!
  13. This upgrade dumb
  14. To force us to earn the cap and then take it away is unethical. If you think this is the best way to preserve the longevity of single city you're in for a rude awakening.
  15. Community : boohooo everyone removing defenders it’s lame boohoo.

    ATA : does an update to give value to roomie defending so people will have to put defenders

    community : boohooo never happy

    This is a good update I think just needs maybe adjustments but at least there’s something new to change the gameplay
    LOVELY_REX88 likes this.
  16. ISSUE with this change … there are only 2 Epic DEFENDERS and not one single LEGENDARY Roomie has DEFENDER included as part of their ROLE
  18. Ik it’s not April fools but y’all hav got to be kidding. Who thought this was a good idea—