UPDATE Content Extension – Roomie Edition!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Marceline_AT, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Hello Singles!

    Thought you've done all there is to do in Single City? Not anymore! Enjoy these new updates to Roomies!

    Starting today as of 5pm PST, we've added the following to Roomies of all rarities, from Common to Legendary:

    👉 Tier 6, a brand new max tier
    👉 Levels 51 - 60, aka the brand new max level is now 60

    Players who are currently maxed out can tier up and start upgrading right away! Let the personal development just keep on going!

    ❗️ PS. Currently, you will still only see 5 stars after tiering up your Roomie to Tier 6! We are aware of this, and this will be fixed in the future, but please note this will not be an immediate fix! Rest assured that your roomies be growinnnn. This is fixed in V1.55! Update your app now!
    #1 Marceline_AT, Oct 5, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
  2. Yay 🙌🏽 awesome , thanks ☺️
    merxo and LittleDolly like this.
  3. I’m not there yet ha. But yayyy! ✊🏼✊🏼
  4. Refund the xp I just wasted on a useless roomie please. You all waited to tell about this change after the last head to head ended and we already upgraded
    Zaphkiel and DarkAngelKay like this.
  5. We all did 🥲
    BumpyBroncoBish likes this.
  6. Pls make an option to reset roomies and spend xp again. Something like a relocation token to rest
  7. Can we hope to see new roomie talents for the 6th tier?