COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT An Interview with [RKZ]RollsRoyce!

Discussion in 'Newsletters' started by Marceline_AT, Aug 1, 2023.

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    Join us and RollsRoyce from [RKZ]Rogue Katz for some realness and quite possibly the most shoutouts we've seen in any interview 🤣


    Give us your Single City bio!

    Wassup cities, the one and only PVP KING here 😈 Thanks to baddiebee21 for throwing a server awards ceremony which is how I even got the title 💙 Some wonder why I have a car name for an ign? Well Rollsroyce was a nickname I was called growing up but my name is actually Royce . Dope right ? Yesssssir 🤓 I’m a lovable guy that just tries to make people laugh just because I know that life can get tough and everyone deserves that escape space from reality. So be careful how u treat folks or take it up with God!

    How did you start playing Single City, and what has made you stay?
    I started playing SC because of the PIMD crossover which I would regret if it wasn’t for the genuine people I met here because ata y’all definitely robbing my pockets 😤 ❗❗ I was born in server 148 but I ended up staying and becoming inactive on PIMD 🤣 when I found out that we could switch servers. I left 148 to play with a friend in 143 @CuteDisaster aka Ghost aka Owl 🦉 aka my Grandpupu on PIMD from crew CHA. So Ata thank her bc she kept telling me SC is better than PIMD and she was right 🤣 Y’all need to cut her a CHECK ❗❗

    What is your advice for a brand new player, playing Single City?
    To all my noobs…. Don’t let nobody bully you because you small even David killed Goliath so hit they azz back! Growing is definitely a process but once you get the hang of it, growing becomes naturally easy. I recommend upgrading Remi for drama encounters, Zoey for fast gathering, and Ramona for collaboration to start. Add me if you need help ❗❗On another tip: remain humble and leave the drama to the bald head miserable birds.

    What is your one (1) Single City dream feature?
    A feature I think would be dope would be speeding up gathering . Sometimes it take players that don’t spend much weeks to save for upgrades and with pvp every week, it makes it kind of hard for them. And I know y’all said 1 but I have 2 😵‍💫 can yall please change the Evelyns back to how they use to be ? It was nice seeing how strong our roomies were getting. Oh I know I said I had 2 but I actually have 3 … a option to visit a crew in another server would be nice with a timer of 24hrs or something like that because my VEXERS In 148 misses me and keep asking me to come back but I’m TOO BIG WITH BIG ENERGY 🥴❗❗ so a visitation window or a teleport would be nice for the big players. One last thing Ata if y’all make my dreams come true just know i will be expecting a CHECK , my ideas are not FREE❗❗

    Which has been your favorite event so far?
    I don’t think I came across an event that I was crazy about yet but if I really got to choose I’ll say the pride one just because y’all was giving out 10 legendary star for first place as a reward so you know I had to go get that 😈 Plus I thought the crew events was pretty dope as well.

    What would you like to see more of in Single City?
    From players? More respect for one another, it don’t cost nothing to be nice. From ATA? More legendary stars would be a start ATA 🤓 I mean i got 4 legendary roomies and can’t finish upgrading the first one because I need more Stars 😤. I mean 200 legendary Stars to upgrade is crazy 😐 Oh more stores please its crowded in zone 6 , im glad I made it to zone 7 but I'm speaking on the behalf of my potnas em plus I'm tired of seeing people crying over nodes. I would say XP too but I won’t be greedy just keep them shakers coming 🤣

    What would you wish to see less of in Single City?

    Less common spawns plz matter you can take common glue out completely at least out of zone 4 and up . Also adding purple spawns to zone 5 at least would be great for the players that can’t afford to buy em to reach zone 6.

    What’s the drama in your server?
    🍵 Awwwww sh*t ATA y’all tryna make me be messy… 😭 142 for the most part is pretty laid back . I mind my business for the most part till I get mentioned 😈. Most love me then others can’t stand me for no reason but idc I’m still blessed asf ❗❗ majority of the drama in 142 comes from boredom, the biggest issue is mainly over nodes. Then you got a few that always throwing subliminal comments trying to be petty as if they don’t bleed how you bleed. I ignore certain stuff because I know people don’t be built the same off the internet or would never stand toe to toe with me. But everyone isn’t going get along with everyone I get it . That’s life ❗ We all grown , they can bash each other all they want . Just don’t F with mines and we Ight ❗❗ So find some kids to play with because Win lose or draw I’m coming, I ain’t letting nothing slide not even the Cha Cha 😈 & That’s Law ❗❗

    Is there anything you want to say to anyone in particular?

    • First off I want to give a special shoutout to my right hand PrettyKittyDaddy for putting up with my SC bs 🤓 … you the only one who heard my voice the most in SC 🤣I definitely don’t play bout you 😈❗❗
    • Shoutout to Sky and my bm Tia 🙃 y’all my favs.
    • Shoutout to my Vex fam in 148 I love and miss y’all 💙 y’all still standing strong , see how that karma works 😈?
    • Shoutout to SweetBabyBearUwU aka Candy aka candycane in crew 69Z in 148 .Thank you 69Z for riding with her but can y’all please bully her some for me since I’m not there ? I love you candy but it’s still BUMP U 💙❗❗
    • Shoutout to Annabelle, that’s my bestie she sliding fo sho ❗❗
    • Shoutout to the Gang (FYB and NS) 🤘💙 We going to spin that block together every time ❗❗
    • Shoutout to the bros 😈 CITY BOYS UP 600 ❗❗
    • Shoutout to my bipolar SC stalker 🤭 Lioness, you had my back before so I got u lil crazy 🤌🏽
    • Shoutout to Pews for taking my ppl in when we was homeless, I show respect when it’s due 💙
    • Shoutout to my Plato Gang they are bullies Chu Melon and T . Cup thank u for being nice ☺️
    • SHOUTOUT TO ALL MY SC FRIENDS ACROSS THE SERVERS. And most importantly shoutout to RKZ for making it feel so much like home (VEX) and keeping the fun going 💙 Haters keep hating and to the Real , keep being solid 💙
    • Oh wait how can I forget about bae ? Hey SMILES, you know the count 💙😘

    What is your biggest goal in Single City at the moment?
    My biggest goal is to make it rain 💸💸💸 a couple times. I advanced so fast because my original VEX leader, Corinthian, used to do server cash and rep giveaways just for us to grow. So once I finish my academy that’s what I want to be able to do. So giving back is what I want to see myself accomplish 🙃

    What are your thoughts on pineapple on pizza?
    I can’t cap 🧢 I only tried it because y’all (ATA) stay talking bout it across other ATA games. It was ok, I wouldn’t recommend it tho. I prefer mushrooms, purple onions , spinach, sausages and pepperoni . BUSSING ❗❗ Thank me later 💙


    Current Pineapple on Pizza vs Sure, I’ll Eat Anything vs Hell No You Couldn’t Make Me vs I Don’t Really Know count:


    Team Say No to Pineapple, going strong ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
    #1 Marceline_AT, Aug 1, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2023
  2. Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss cutieDisaster is the queeeeennnnnnn and she’s realll 💯 I wish she comes back!!! CHA all day everyday 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
    That_Girl_Nik and RollsRoyce like this.
  3. Finallyyy!! What took y’all so long??😩😩💖💖 Best Interview hands down bestiee!!🥳🥳💃🏾💃🏾
  4. Also it’s server 142 Ata 🥲 not 149😩
    RollsRoyce and SweetAsHell like this.
  5. Roooyycccee!! 😭😭😭🫶🏻💕💕💕
    This right here is why I heart you SO much!!! Personally my favorite interview, & not even remotely because ya mentioned me- but because it had so much heart AND humor♥️
    Home is where the heart is, and you all have a piece of my heart so stop trying to make me so homesick!!!😭💔

    Ya Big Bully!😤♥️
    PKD🥰 & RKZ I expect you to take care of this immediately!!🎯🎯🎯😤😤♥️♥️♥️ Pls bully him mercilessly!🫶🏻
    Luv- I mean BUMP YOU!😠😠😠♥️
    shana, BrattyDosa, RollsRoyce and 2 others like this.
  6. Royce ❤️ a stand up guy 🎯 you was much nicer on the drama part then me I had to make an apology on mine , bc I was wrong . I love yours 💯, ps. Ion think anyone dislikes u 😂 everyone loves Royce 🫂
    SweetAsHell and RollsRoyce like this.
  7. FYB we all we got 🙌🏾💪🏾
    RollsRoyce likes this.
  8. Royce!! Absolutely the most genuine, honest and comical interview that has happened thus far! You are truly a stand up guy and I am incredibly happy and proud to get to play this game with you as a crew member! I wouldn’t even enjoy PvP without you! Fantastic job my friend! Great choice ATA!!
    RollsRoyce likes this.
  9. Love the interview!!! 💞💞
    RollsRoyce and SweetAsHell like this.
  10. I would say this is my favourite so in SC interview wholesome, no shades or stuff just postive vibes i love it. keep going Royce!
    RollsRoyce likes this.