Seeking Crew/Crew Member Thread

Discussion in 'Crews' started by Daily, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Since it’s helpful for players to seek out like minded people for a crew, post here if you’re searching for a crew or need members to join your crew!

    Adding on any expected activity levels or other qualifications might be nice too.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  2. Again, not necessary to make this a combined thread when they have created a whole section of the forum for crew related topics like this. stop trying to backseat mod 🤦‍♀️
    Itto and KraftDinner like this.
  3. I’m looking for an active crew.. my current crew seems 💀 dead ..
  4. How to open crew’s chat ? 🤦🏽‍♀️
  5. Hit the chat icon in the bottom right, then on the top you should be able to tab over to Crew.
  6. Where?
  7. I need crew members I just formed my crew!
  8. We’re looking for more active members! Minimum requirement 100k influence

    Daily rallies, active chat and loyalty gift lvl 5. Apply to Hotbox Heaven (LIX) today!
  9. New Members Welcome! Crew name: Shooting Stars. Server 142.

    We just started, but we’re ranked 44.

    Our chat is active, we are fair to each other and helpful. We ask that you stay active if you join. We also have a Discord.
  10. Do your Crew have to be at a certain level to use the auto join function?
  11. Nope! Auto join is the default setting when creating a crew
  12. Looking for new members to join our active crew over at Hotbox Heaven (LIX) Server 142!

    Currently ranked 9, loyalty gift level 5, auto join on. Active chat, daily rallies, and discord available.

    We’re also interested in having a small crew (less than 15 people) merge with us. Open to combining leadership!
    Average_BookWorm88 likes this.
  13. How do I chat with my crew
  14. Bottom right there’s a chat bubble button, when you click on that your chat opens to city. One tab over to the right is crew!
  15. Hi
  16. Hi looking for active members to join our crew we will have fun and help each other grow 🥰🥳
    We are new in city 157 so y’all will be welcome to join ✌🏾
  17. No matter how humble we seem to be, we're always Trained to Go (TTG). In this crew, we don't start drama, but we have no problems finishing it. Here, we're ready to GO at any moment. We're an active crew looking for active members. If you're in 173 come check us out. **Must have at least 10 million House Points to join**
  18. Realm 186 has lots of ATA crossover newbies (like me, from WA, and others from PIMD). I’m in WIC - Witch Arcana Coven. We stay full but many joiners are checking out the game and go silent after a couple days; currently kicking anyone inactive over 5 days. Planning to shorten that soon.

    About a dozen members score points that count toward the Crew Gig board.

    Want to be active? Ready to do the dailies and help each other grow? Come on in!