EVENT Our Pretty In Pink (Free) and Let's Get Cute (VIP) Events are HERE!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Pretty In Pink (Free)
    Let's Get Cute (VIP)

    June 29, 2023 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time
    July 13, 2023 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time


    Event Contests and Adorable Drinks will be available until July 12 at 2 PM PST.
    Players will have 23 hours after that to collect their event rewards, until July 13 at 1 PM PST.

    Earn points in the Pretty In Pink (Free) and Let's Get Cute (VIP) events by collecting Adorable Drinks, which can be earned from a special Event contest each day and from opening Drink Shakers in the store!

    Collect these from Daily Event Contests + Drink Shakers to earn event points!


    Drink Shakers! Open these using Adorable Drink Tickets to get Adorable Drinks.

    Drink Shakers will be available in the Store until July 12 @ 2 PM PST WITH Adorable Drinks in them.
    After that, they will be available until July 17 @ 1 PM PST WITHOUT Adorable Drinks.

    How to get Adorable Drinks Tickets:
    πŸ’— Completing stars in the Pretty In Pink (Free) and Let's Get Cute (VIP) event contests
    πŸ’— Or purchase them directly from the Store through IAPs

    Sew totally excited that you want more? Then take part in the Let's Get Cute (VIP) event!
    Unlock this VIP event by purchasing the Let's Get Cute VIP Invite IAP in the Store!





    How to get your hands on this Kawaiicore Furniture Set:
    Opening Kawaiicore Furniture Boxes
    πŸ’— Purchasing them directly in the Store through IAPs
    πŸ’— Purchasing them directly from your Home using Gems (available until July 17)


    What's in the Kawaiicore Furniture Box:
    πŸ’— Roomie Power-up Materials
    πŸ’— Kawaiicore Furniture Set pieces from Rare to Legendary!
    πŸ’— Various resources ✨

    Earn Kawaiicore Furniture Set Credits the following ways:
    πŸ’— Completing stars in the Pretty In Pink (Free) and Let's Get Cute (VIP) event contests
    πŸ’— Purchasing them directly from the Store through IAPs

    Choose which of the two avatars above you want to rock by earning a Kawaiicore Bauble below from completing 9* on the Pretty In Pink (Free) event! Exchange this Kawaiicore Bauble in the Store for the avatar you desire!

    These avatars will be available at the Store until July 17 @ 1 PM PST.



    Literally Single City πŸ‘†

    #1 Marceline_AT, Jun 27, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023
    Karina86 and WildKitty like this.
  2. Can see the PIMD influence *cough* :p
    XxMoistPotatoxX and Stella_Blue like this.
  3. Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow I fear no harm