INTERVIEW An Interview with [MFC]Phoenix_Fuego!

Discussion in 'Newsletters' started by Marceline_AT, Jun 20, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Please welcome up the mic, [MFC]Phoenix_Fuego of City 148 for this short but sassy interview!


    Please introduce yourself!

    👋🏽HIIIIIGHHH you guyssss!! in my Sloth vc
    I'm Phoenix, some call me Phee or Pho. I started back in late October I believe (missed out on the cool Vamp stuff 😤) and it's been crazy fun times since then 😜!! This game was NOTHING like I was expecting but I've been able to meet some ultra cool ass people and some of my Ganja Tribe..hope to meet more of you 🤪

    What made you start playing Single City?
    Originally I thought it was like SIMS like a lot of people and ATA was like "Sitiike.."

    What is your advice for a brand new player, playing Single City?
    1. Do like ya mama said and "GO TO SCHOOL!!"
      Nah fr tho...SC Academy(rep and cash...mostly rep) is very important
    2. Pick the right crew for you! If you know you'll be fairly active, it will really suck for u in a crew that's not supportive and active.
    3. Try not to make enemies off RIP, people have lonnnng memories in war games. If you're cool, you'll be treated as such from mostly everyone. Also, it's ok to request a do-over if u messed up... most crews here aren't as bad as people say we are.

    What do you look most forward to when playing the game?
    I look forward to speaking with my crew!

    SHOUT OUT MFC...Yerrrrpp!! Also, speaking with friends I've made in other crews as well. It's also interesting to see relationships and tides change month to month. If u miss a WEEK on SC, you will come back singin' like Jasmine "A whole newww worlddddd"


    What do you do when you're not playing Single City?
    Wait.....that's an option? I thought I was gang initiated.

    Which two crews are most likely to go to war?
    Well.. I would've had a different answer a couple of weeks ago *cough* [FTW] n [RIP]... but now with the exception of a few strays (Rawr-Hiss-Hiss) we've found balance with the occasional hiccups...I mean it is a war game after all.

    If you could boot one player to another server, who would it be?
    Garfield.... never cared for a lazy louch that mooches off humans... also, I'm a dog lover...

    If you could silence someone for a week, who would it be?
    No one. We're all adults. Talk your stuff... but hope u can strut it too.

    Who steals most of your hired roomies?
    It's usually someone in [HOE] or [7]... we're always in a bidding war...grrr

    If you could name the class clown, crybaby and troublemaker in your server, who would it be?

    Class Clown: Some say my whole crew are jokesters really, but it's a tie between Madalyne in my crew...she's so funny and sarcastic. If u don't know her, stuff will fly over your head frag and activated Uma is the BEST KIND!!! She's fackin hilarious *in my Jersey Girl vc*

    Honorable Mentions: MamaV, Cannabisseur, SappyBearo, Level10Chad, and my bby boy GB_Fuego and his boo Abba_Fuego. They are complete nutcases!! The good kind of course

    Crybaby: Gotta be Meli _Little....soz not soz.

    Troublemaker: Gotta go with Heathcliff and Diablows at the moment​

    What are your thoughts on pineapple on pizza?
    I LOVE IT! fI u don't, then maybe your tastebuds are GAHBIGE!!!!


    Current Pineapple on Pizza vs Sure, I’ll Eat Anything vs Hell No You Couldn’t Make Me vs I Don’t Really Know count:

    I mean, my tastebuds just got called garbage so I think I'm going to need to process this one for a while! 😰😰😰
  2. Nice phee 💕 poor Marcie 😂 it’s ok but I agree love pineapple 🍍 on mine also 😂
  3. Noice mention. Hi hi for anyone reading and wanting to find me on the game, here's the correct spelling of my username "meli_little".
    MaybeDarnaIsHOE likes this.
  4. So just a little l and not a L right 👀
  5. You should interview me sometime marceline I gots lots of fun stuff to share 😂 😘
  6. bwhahaahahahah love it my former *cough* crew was mentioned bwahahahahahahahahahaahah
  7. 😁Never pineapple on pizza! 🇮🇹🍕