CONTEST Single City's Pride Parade 2023

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Marceline_AT, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    🏳️‍🌈 We are taking a page from our friends over at Party In My Dorm and are running Single City's very first Pride parade alongside them! 🏳️‍🌈

    Celebrate Love, Celebrate Pride!

    In a world that thrives on diversity, we come together to honor and embrace the vibrant spirit of Pride. This is a time to celebrate and uplift the LGBTQ+ community, their stories, and their remarkable journey towards acceptance and equality. Let's raise our voices, hearts, and flags high, as we acknowledge the power of love, authenticity, and the beauty of every unique individual.

    Pride is not just a parade; it's a movement. It's a colourful tapestry of voices demanding visibility, respect, and inclusion. It's a testament to the courage and resilience of those who have fought and continue to fight for the rights and freedoms that should be afforded to all. It's about recognizing the triumphs, milestones, and the ongoing work that paves the way for a brighter future.

    This year, we urge our audience to take the time to make a donation to an LGTBQ+ Charity, or create a piece of Pride-related art! We've provided some colouring book pages below, but you could also do a Pride-related haiku or selfie or some other piece of art!"

    There are two methods to contribute to this Pride Parade! You can either make a donation to an LGBTQ+ organization of your choice or submit something that demonstrates what Pride means to you!


    1. 🏳️‍🌈Choose an LGBTQ+ charity​
    2. 🤝 Make a donation of any amount!​
    3. 📝 Fill out this Typeform and include a screenshot of your donation receipt. (Please redact any private details from your receipt.)
    4. 🎁 We will send you your thank-you gift on the following Friday!​

    To get things started, we at A Thinking Ape have donated $5,000 to RAINBOW RAILOAD, who help at-risk LGBTQ+ people worldwide get to safety.


    You're free to donate to the LGBTQ+ charity of your choice, but to get you started, here are a few more we recommend:
    The Trevor Project
    2-Spirit Collective


    1. 🏳️‍🌈 Choose something that shows what Pride means to you! This can be a poem, story, picture, painting, drawing, quote, or song.
    2. 📢 Post it to the forums and spread some love! Not comfortable with sharing something publicly? That's okay, you can skip this step!
    3. 📝 Fill out this Typeform and include a screenshot of your submission!​
    4. 📲 If you are okay with us sharing it, let us know in the survey and give us your IG handle.​
    5. 🎁 We’ll send you a gift the following Friday as a thank you!​
    Please do not plagiarize. We want this to be authentic to YOU.

    In the survey, tell us your Single City username, show us your entry, and BOOM – we'll know exactly where to send the rewards 🥰

    No matter how you participate, please fill out this survey to get your gifts!
    👉🏼 TYPEFORM 👈🏼


    Feel free to colour in and submit our beautiful Pride avatars this year!





    Since this is Single City's first Pride Parade, check out our what players from PIMD have beautifully created in
    2021 and 2022!

    We are accepting submissions until JUNE 30th @ 12 PM Pacific Time.
    Rewards are sent every Friday until the end if June for new submissions!

    As a reminder, this is a celebration of Pride. There will be zero tolerance for any harassing, discriminatory, hateful, vulgar, or offensive messages. Players found engaging in this behaviour will removed from Single City.


    Finally, if you want to post your own picture/video but you're not sure how, here are some quick steps!

    ✩ Download Imgur.
    ✩ Pick your file to post.
    ✩ Hold down onto the file until a bar pops up.
    ✩ Press the Copy Post Link button.
    ✩ Press the landscape button within a new Forum Comment here.
    ✩ Paste your link and press “Insert”.
    #1 Marceline_AT, Jun 1, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
  2. To me... Pride means getting to celebrate my wife and our marriage a little louder! June may be pride month but not a day will go by that I don't celebrate our love and wear it PROUDLY! @TwiztedTurtle and I have been together 8 years now and married for 4. She is the light to my entire world and I couldn't imagine a life without her in it! I hope you take the time out of your days this month and all year long to celebrate the ones you love regardless of who they love because at the end of the day that's all any relationship should chalk up to be, love! So, spread it far and wide because that's what being proud is all about! ❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍
    #2 TuRtLeTuRtLe420, Jun 1, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2023
    Aurora00, WildKitty, Zigu and 19 others like this.
  3. [​IMG]
    #3 Luna_Magick_Skyy, Jun 2, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2023
  4. Donated to the Trevor Project! Thank you, love that you’re offering incentives for donating to such great causes!
    Aurora00, WildKitty, Swytpea and 3 others like this.
  5. This is beautiful! Had no idea you and @TwiztedTurtle are a wonderful married couple! We're glad we have you both as part of our community 🫶 Would you be alright with us sharing this to social media? 🥰
    #5 Marceline_AT, Jun 2, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
  6. [​IMG]

    Trans bunny

    My partner recently came out as trans and so I doodled them a little trans bunny 😌
    #6 AngelicChaos, Jun 4, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2023
  7. Here’s my entry for the pride parade! They’re girlfriends 🥺💕 I used procreate and added a screenshot of some of my layers for proof. Hope you like it, happy pride everyone!

    WildKitty, Pandi and Cryptid like this.
  9. [​IMG]

    me and my daughter with our matching pride tops. She don’t care at all that I’m not like all her friends with a mum and dad. She loves the fact I’m lesbian and has no problem telling anyone if they have problem with it she not fussed Usally tells them she get more cuddles and has more big boobs in the house then them 😂😂
    #9 ASSHATBish, Jun 8, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2023
    Aurora00, Uni_Corn, WildKitty and 2 others like this.
  10. Love, Pride, and Acceptance Unite

    A powerful and sincere sense of pride blossoms in a world where love knows no boundaries, where colors dance and hearts reverberate.
    It's a celebration of you and I.

    We are warriors of the rainbow, unafraid to let our true selves show. Let us construct a tale of courage and grace, embracing love in every hug.

    We paint the sky in vibrant hues.
    A vivid spectrum that reaches the heavens.
    Each tint and colour serves as evidence of the firmament and tenacity of love.

    We stand together, hands clasped.
    An eclectic band, a patchwork of souls,
    because love knows no boundaries,
    it calls softly, breaking through walls.

    We chose love in the face of hate,
    acceptance blossoms in vulnerable hearts, a constant force from above.

  11. WOWWWWWWW this is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
    WildKitty, Marceline_AT and Cryptid like this.
  12. [​IMG]

    check the butterfly colors 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️
    Aurora00, _Trippy_, Uni_Corn and 8 others like this.
  13. I love, love this💜💙🩵💚💛🧡❤️
  14. WildKitty, HEARTYx and LadiWildFl0wer like this.
  15. Thank you

  16. 🌈 Happy Pride Month Everyone 🤍

    I’ve always been open minded about the fact everyone MUST be free to love who they want and be who they want to be.

    Never thought before meeting my ex fiancee that I was in fact part of the rainbow. Several years ago I met a girl online, we were young, maybe even too young. She couldn’t accept her true self. She lied to me and told me she was a guy etc. And somehow we felt in love. With time I understood by myself that she was lying but I felt in love with her heart and soul and saw through it. I gave her time to accept herself and break this lie by herself. It took her 3 years to tell the truth and finally breathe. 2 years apart behind screens. I moved in her country and she made me wait 1 more year despite we were only 1 hr apart from each other.

    Love is also accepting boundaries, patience and forgiveness. Others might think that it was cruel to do this to me, to catfish me; but I understood her pain, her past.

    We stayed a total of 6 years together, we were each other’s first love.

    From our relation I learned what love means, that it can also be toxic. I learned about myself and my own boundaries.

    She tried for a long time to get me back, I’ve supported her during a year to heal from our break-up then she met another girl.

    Made her promise to treat her right and never lie to her and we took our own path in life from that day.

    I don’t like to label myself, I just love another soul and love and acceptance should be celebrated everyday, not only a month per year 🤍.

    I’d like to share a song which used to be so important to me : Ta reine (Your queen) by the artist Angèle.

    “But I believe one day she’ll accept

    That she as-well, loves you a little bit more.

    I, I do believe in stories others do not yet

    And you would like her to be your queen tonight,

    Even if two queens isn’t really accepted.

    But you would like her to be your queen tonight,

    You, the kings, you don’t care that’s not what you like. “

    I know my post might not meet the requirements to get a reward as I didn’t write this song. But I don’t care, I only wanted to share this with everyone ❤️
    Marceline_AT and HEARTYx like this.
  17. Ps : I can translate the rest of the song if you like it. The other translations of the lyrics I found weren’t really correct
  18. Ty so much 💕