Hi Mom! I’d like you to meet Sophie tomorrow. Here’s a pic. Oh, honey! I did her pap yesterday. She has a beautiful cervix!
Happy Mother’s Day mum guess what I came first in my science competition About time you came first in something else apart from been the fastest sperm
<a href="https://imgflip.com/i/7lvuf0"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/7lvuf0.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a><div><a href="https://imgflip.com/memegenerator">from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>
GIGI GETS A TEXT FROM HER MALL WHILE COLLABING AND IT RUINS THE SHOT "Hey Gigi!!! Haven't heard from you in a while so I sent you a private message with a picture of your 5th birthday in it to remind you of the good times before anti-social media and "influencers?" to that Twitter inbox thingy and I tagged your user name too ! Here is my handle here is my clout" as you kids say!!!! So glad I'm a cool mom not like Sophie's mom! GIGI TEXTS BACK "U know evry single 1 of my followers can see tht mom?!?!?! OMG U R so embarrassing I can't even!!!! I'm going to be cancelled I'm so ugly 😭😭😭 we've talked about this mom!!!! I need a new outfit after this meet me @ the mall at 12 please and buy me lunch too and we'll be even. Ugh. "
Me: Hi mom wyd today ? Mom: watching y’all on the game rn and love the way y’all are squishing those roaches in ftw 💪🏽 keep up the good work baby love u 💋!!! Happy Mother's Day weekend! Now, we all know how moms can be downright savage. To win Maximalist Furniture Credits and Gems, tell us: WHAT DID GIGI'S MOM TEXT HER? Winners will be chosen based on ✨ how many likes your entry gets in the comment section below ✨ The contest will be closed by Monday, May 15th @ 12 PM and winners will be announced the following day! 1ST PLACE 5,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits 5,000 Gems 2ND PLACE 3,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits 3,000 Gems 3RD PLACE 2,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits 1,500 Gems 4TH - 10TH PLACE 1,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits 250 Gems You can either submit your entry in the comments section below: 1. As an image, or 2. As a text comment. Submitting as an image: Download the image above. Use your choice of photo editing software to create your entry. Upload your entry over at imgur.com! (You might have to create an account if you don't have one). Once uploaded, right click on your image, and select Copy Image Address (NOT Copy Image and NOT the URL) Paste this link between the IMG code below (you'll have to copy the whole thing into your comment as well): Code: [img]INSERT COPIED LINK HERE[/img] For example: Code: [img]https://i.imgur.com/aKaOqIh.gif[/img] Here's our take on it 🫢 Can't wait to see those entries 😚😚😚 Gigi's mom, probably. [/QUOTE]
Me: Hi mom wyd today ? Mom: watching y’all on the game rn and love the way y’all are squishing those roaches in ftw 💪🏽 keep upthe good work baby love u 💋!!! me: yes so many have left our server crying already only a few left to go 😂