COMMUNITY CONTEST A Mother's Day Contest!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Marceline_AT, May 11, 2023.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Happy Mother's Day weekend!

    Now, we all know how moms can be downright savage. To win Maximalist Furniture Credits and Gems, tell us:


    Winners will be chosen based on ✨ how many likes your entry gets in the comment section below

    The contest will be closed by Monday, May 15th @ 12 PM and winners will be announced the following day!



    5,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits
    5,000 Gems

    3,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits
    3,000 Gems

    2,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits
    1,500 Gems

    4TH - 10TH PLACE
    1,000 Maximalist Furniture Credits
    250 Gems


    You can either submit your entry in the comments section below:
    1. As an image, or
    2. As a text comment.

    Submitting as an image:

    1. Download the image above.​
    2. Use your choice of photo editing software to create your entry.​
    3. Upload your entry over at! (You might have to create an account if you don't have one).​
    4. Once uploaded, right click on your image, and select Copy Image Address (NOT Copy Image and NOT the URL)
    5. Paste this link between the IMG code below (you'll have to copy the whole thing into your comment as well):​
    For example:
    Here's our take on it 🫢


    Can't wait to see those entries 😚😚😚

    Gigi's mom, probably.
    #1 Marceline_AT, May 11, 2023
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  2. “Hi, mom! Just wondering what you’re up to tomorrow.”

    “Well tomorrow I’m going to a swingers party with your father and Sofie’s parents!”
  3. Omg
    Ducky and Samanthais like this.
  4. Mom! Answer your phone! I am stuck at the Gym with some horrible red haired guy. Looks like the son of your Rich Second Husband 😮
    Roni28 and Morten_Queen like this.
  5. OMG this is such a mom joke 😂😂😂
    RoseRed88 and vexo like this.
  6. Gigi : Mom, I’m so proud I succeeded my first exams.
    Gigi’s mom : great finally something you succeeded in your life. Sad we had to wait 27 years to see you succeed something. Btw when are you getting us a grandchild ?
    Bully, QueenChi and RIONA like this.
  7. [​IMG]
    #12 DeathNote, May 12, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2023
  8. “Hey mom! Did you see my vacation photos?”

    “Yes sweetie, I noticed you’ve gained some weight- hopefully this means I’m finally getting a grandbaby?!”
    LilNicky likes this.
  9. "Hey mom! How are you and dad doing?"

    "We are great honey! We have big news! You are gonna be a big sister! I think we got a little too wild at your Uncle's birthday party...Here, I will send you some photos from that night. "
    RoseRed88 likes this.
  10. Hey mom want to do something for mothers day?

    Ya your dad in your bedroom! You and your girl friend can watch!!
  11. "Hey mom, we just moved in to our new place... here's a picture tour!"

    "Oh its nice... wait that couch is familiar... we used to have one when you were younger. Your father and I didn't have a love seat, but sure did have a love couch...
    I can always remember that couch from that blue splotch in the corner. You always used to play, jump around and color on that couch. Anyways, we decided to drop it off at a goodwill after it got heavily soiled... I mean, 10 kids put a beating on that couch.

    "Gross! Mom! Hey... wait... my couch has a blue splotch"
    Dazey, Book, SNAPE and 5 others like this.
  12. Mom, I just saw a spider in my room

    Don't worry honey, just tell the spider to pay rent if he wants to stay
    MayorZ likes this.
  13. Hi mom my girlfriend and I are coming over for Mother’s Day

    umm honey that’s really your sister I gave her up for adoption before you were born
    Morten_Queen likes this.
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