Unfair harassment

Discussion in 'Other Single City Discussion' started by Jenni65, Mar 17, 2023.

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  1. This is unfair there are a couple people in a crew that attack my crew everyday all day, they wait till we defeat a chad and steal the loot. We can't defend against it at all 200k points will never be a match to 1 billion points. I spend alot of energy doing chads only to never get the rewards, energy i spend cash to get. So if the whole game is pvp why do you waste our time with a pvp event? These people have spies in our crew so they know every time we get a chad. Its not fair, you need to implement some rules that are fair for everyone. Stop making excuses about pvp not being harassment because some crews literally do nothing but harrass smaller crews
  2. Just move to a secluded area, case solved
  3. Nope that will not work with these people. The one guy has a billion points and follows us where ever we go
    LadyIove likes this.
  4. Rip well hold your ground soldier
    KehlaniStLaurent likes this.
  5. I don't think it's fair that people steal the loot. It's a different story during pvp, but that is something your city might have to discuss to resolve this problem. I think that is the only thing that will help. Or else, work hard on making your roomies stronger. The stronger they are the harder it is for another roomie to successfully attack them.
    THCoffee and NotYoMama like this.
  6. PvP in itself is a part of the game, and is not directly considered harassment. It is understandable how it can feel this way when stronger players are going against weaker players, but you can always join a stronger crew or move to other areas to avoid the problematic group.
    vendettta likes this.
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