EVENT Ravenous Reader (Free) and Bookworm Bonanza (VIP) events are here!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Feb 22, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Ravenous Reader (Free)
    Bookworm Bonanza (VIP)

    August 10 – 23
    1:00 PM Pacific Time

    Event Contests and Scholarly Drinks will be available until August 23rd at 1 PM.

    Players will have an extra 24 hours after that to collect their event rewards, until August 24 at 1 PM.

    Earn points in the Ravenous Reader (Free) and Bookworm Bonanza (VIP) events by collecting Scholarly Drinks, which can be earned from a special Event contest each day and from opening Drink Shakers in the store!

    Collect these from Daily Event Contests + Drink Shakers to earn event points!


    Drink Shakers! Open these using Scholarly Drink Tickets to get Scholarly Drinks.

    Drink Shakers will be available in the Store until August 23 @ 12 PM with Scholarly Drinks in them.
    After that, they will be available until August 28 @ 12 PM without Scholarly Drinks.

    How to get Scholarly Drinks Tickets:
    📕 Completing stars in the Ravenous Reader (Free) and Bookworm Bonanza (VIP) event contests
    📕 Or purchase them directly from the Store through IAPs

    Looking to nerd out just a little bit more and earn even better rewards?
    Then take part in the Bookworm Bonanza (VIP) event!

    Unlock this VIP event by purchasing the Bookworm Bonanza VIP Invite IAP in the Store!

    NOTE: There will only be one VIP Invite IAP in the Store this time!


    Scholarly furniture calls for bookwormy activities!


    How to get your hands on this Scholarly Set by:
    Opening Study Session Set Boxes
    📕 Purchasing them directly in the Store through IAPs

    We're shaking things up a little with this event by combining BOTH Roomie and Furniture content in one Box: the Study Session Set! These can be opened using Study Session Set Credits.

    Earn Study Session Set Credits the following ways:
    📕 Completing stars in the Ravenous Reader (Free) and Bookworm Bonanza (VIP) event contests
    📕 Purchasing them directly from the Store through IAPs


    Choose which of the avatars above you want by earning a Scholarly Avatar Ticket from completing 9* on the Ravenous Reader (Free) leaderboard! Exchange this Avatar Ticket for the avatar you want at the Store.

    These avatars will be available at the Store until August 28th @ 12 PM PST.
    PS You can only have one, so choose wisely!


    But wait, there's more...


    📕 Teacher Owl can be earned as part of the Bookworm Bonanza (VIP) 9* rewards
    📕 Graduate Owl can be earned by being the Top #1 in the Ravenous Reader Leaderboard

    We hope you're ready, because class is in session!

    #1 Marceline_AT, Feb 22, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
    KirscheMage and DaggeredKisses like this.
  2. That's a lot of books...oh my lol
  3. Brb let me go join inactive server to earn #1 avi 🤣
  4. Very cute stuff except for that absolutely horrid roomie floor omg what kind of scholar would have rugs piled on top of each other and all askew like that 🤣
    Bumbler likes this.