
Discussion in 'Other Single City Discussion' started by Tranen, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. I never thought the day would come after playing KaW since 2013, being ruthless on KoH and spreading distaste for PIMD, however I, Rippa, have officially come out as a Single City player.
    _Eru_, Cats, LiesBear and 1 other person like this.
  2. hope your masculinity isn't threatened. 🙏
  3. How does it feel step by step.
  4. How do you get glasses at SC?
  5. By opening material boxes, buying with gems or recycling furniture
  6. Hah played KAW longer technically. Id show you the badge if I wasnt perma banned lol. Don't ask about the ban though, it's illegal to talk about it
  7. You shouldn’t have mentioned that. You made me curious now 🤭