CONTEST Public Freakout: A PVP Contest!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Feb 4, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    What counts as Drama (PVP) targets?
    ☞ Attacking homes as an individual player
    ☞ Attacking homes as part of a Rally with your Crew
    ☞ Attacking Roomies outside of homes at different locations in the City (cafes, bookstores, arcades etc.)

    As the ATTACKING PLAYER, how do I gain points?
    ☞ Gain points based on how much stress damage they do to enemy roomies
    ☞ Gain additional points for winning the encounter
    ☞ Gain additional points for fully stressing out an enemy roomie

    As the DEFENDING PLAYER, how do I gain points?
    ☞ Gain points for successfully defending an attack​



    What if the player has no Roomies defending their home?
    ☞ The attacking player will earn ZERO points
    ☞ The defending player will earn ZERO points – unless they successfully defend, which would be like, totally embarrassing for the attacker.

    Does attacking Evelyn earn points?
    ☞ Nope! She's minding her own business... for ONCE.

    Why do defenders only earn points for successfully defending and not also stress damage done?
    ☞ Balance reasons! Otherwise a player who is attacked multiple times could potentially make lots of progress in the contest without even playing the game. And that's totally not fair, yo.

    When do these Contests happen?
    Whenever it makes sense! The next one starts this Sunday, Feb 5 at 12 PM Pacific Time!

    Have fun out there!


    MizzRedd, KirscheMage, MaMon and 2 others like this.
  2. No! There are just as many of your players on this game that actually hated this event! It almost made most of us not even want to go back to playing this game anymore because we did not have fun at all during that PVP event. You ATAs need to think about that. This game is originally a cool and fun game and then this event comes along and we have to deal with over zealous, aggressive, and unnecessary players that come off as hateful in the game and posts hateful remarks in the city chat as they are coming for another players throat. And now for the month of February, during such a romantic, loving event, you want to throw in another PVP event within it? Why??
  3. I have to agree with Doma that a LOT of players hated this event. Some of us really enjoy the positive aspects of the game - working together as a team, the challenge of finding and taking down rivals, building up our characters- to list a few, and we understand that PVP is a part of the environment. However, the events are skewed in favor of the highest ranked players, and with no cost to causing drama they often relentlessly attack smaller players until those players get frustrated and stop playing. Drama against other players should have a cost, and it should increase with every subsequent attack. This way "greeting" new players by endlessly attacking them with one's entire crew for days on end doesn't happen so often. Half the game is collaboration, and this positive aspect draws players as well.
  4. I disagree with the last two players. Although I normally don’t like PVP and prefer a drama-free crew, it’s only been for a one day interval. I do my pvp to those left outside at establishments and shield up to protect myself while I’m sleeping. I’ve advised my crew members to do the same. I don’t see much harm in it, just don’t be overcap in Rep or Cash. We all have too much pizza so destressing roomies isn’t the worst.

    I know it’s hurtful for smaller players, but I think this day is good. There’s always pvp in the game but isolating it as reward points to one day feels like it’s own Purge. I feel like there’s less random PVP before and after, and I’m grateful for shields.
    bambina likes this.
  5. I hit everyone. Its a PVP game and honestly, it's boring without. Go download roblox if it's such a big deal.
  6. I LOVE IT
  7. This is a pvp game - not Sims 2023. Sorry not sorry .
    Buttocks and bambina like this.
  8. I don't have a problem with being attacked as long as they don't take any of my resources. I do think if a person defends themselves and wins, they should win something from the attacker's loot. It would make them think twice about attacking.
  9. So you all loved attacking players for absolutely no reason in order to gain influence and etc..?
    OK🤚There are many things to do in this app to get that. That’s just an excuse for your inner psychological person to be hateful.
    For me personally, I did not lose anything during the PVP event, but only because I was shielded the entire time because it is not in my nature at all to go after and attack other players for no reason at other than to try and steal that player’s earnings. However, new members that come on, they may not be able to afford to buy shields to protect themselves for an entire 24 hours like those who have been playing this game for a while.
    This game was not originally built on that when previous members were brought to it.
    If the ATAs need to appease those of you who want to be evil towards others then it definitely should not be happening for our Black History Month, PERIOD. THAT IS A TERRIBLE TIME IN THE YEAR TO THROW THIS EVENT! No representation at all.
  10. Many new players recruited during that time experienced a lot of Cyber Bullying and immediately quit.
    Even as I read the plethora amounts of raunchy, unrestrained garbage and BULLYING, my first question was “WHERE ARE THE ORGANIZERS OF THIS GAME?”
    New members called this game "Not fun at all but instead THE PURGE in app version", and spoke of having Single City game protested for allowing this kind of behavior…mainly because this game is not advertised in this manner when people join it. I understand where they came from with that statement as Single City does come off as being this fun game with teamwork and influence building and maybe some mild drama with Chads, but nothing as extensive as what I saw during their PVP event.
    Yeah, Single City definitely needs to make a separate world within their game to throw mean or outraged events like the PVP because nothing about the PVP event is innocent. All the players attacking others spoke hatefully in chat and went after players as if that person had done something to them in real life. That’s FACTS!! This game will not grow or last long if this is the next level they’re taking it,
    I have invested a lot as a player in this game and do not want to see players quit and that your only players left are the ones that enjoy your PVP’s. But oh well, maybe the Organizer always had this intention and like bad behavior and this was the goal for this game all along🤷‍♀️….
  11. PVP has been around since atleast the soft launch, if not the beta. Your comment actually applies more to pre-pvp fix then it does now lol. Theres only incentives to hit people now if you can stress their roomies. Fix? Remove your defending roomies and stay undercap. No incentive for anyone to hit you. Pvp day means you dont get hit outside of pvp day. No pvp day means people hit you outside of pvp day. Thats how it goes
    Simp, bambina and ToBe like this.
  12. Bs…. Defenders should get points for stress caused to the attacker. Fix it
    CarelessWhisper and ToBe like this.
  13. omg ata gave me a way to NOT GET HIT and I still cried waaah waaah waaaah
    CarelessWhisper likes this.
  14. Personally I hate this event. If you have the need to let aggressive players be mean and abusive you got it done. For one thing the huge players attack mostly the small, new players which gives the small and new players 0 incentive to want to keep playing. If you are gonna make it so people have to use shields then at least give them shields to use. You could also fix it so players with high level are forced to only attack other players within a 5 million points up or down limit that keeps players with over 100 million influence from going after players with 20 million. Now we are talking about fair. Fix it or get rid of it. It's a stupid event and only the mean bullies and aggressive people will disagree and I don't care.
  15. So that makes it ok for your pvp event and the horrible behavior that goes on because of it. You are actually creating a game that condones rude, mean, bullying behavior, you should be ashamed.
  16. I think they should make it where you can only attack someone your level or higher
  17. I thought when your house is shielded you could not be attacked?
  18. I don’t think you understand how events work. The event is a Valentines Day event featuring Aimee pops. Each day of the event, there is a different contest to earn points. Public Freakout started last event.

    The black history month event is separate and involves no PVP. It’s collab, Evelyn drama and chad drama.

    All of ATAs other games include PVP. It was bound to start at some point. Technically speaking, it WAS originally part of the game, whether popular or not. Followers have no advantage but were available to steal via pvp. By Followers alone you could have predicted there would be PVP
  19. No your house can’t be attacked, but any roomies left out in city can be attacked. If you shield mid attack, the March will continue but stop at the shield
  20. I really can't handle some of you ignorant people. If you don't understand how the game works, just say so. GO. PLAY. CANDY CRUSH.
    KraftDinner and Marceline_AT like this.