LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Celebrate Black History Month with us!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Feb 1, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    February 1st - February 28th 2023
    12 PM Pacific Time

    Celebrate Black History Month with all πŸ‘ that πŸ‘ jazz πŸ‘
    Collect Music Notes & Microphones to earn limited-time jazz-themed office furniture and avatars!



    Coolest office I've ever laid eyes on!

    #1 Marceline_AT, Feb 1, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
    BhaddieBee likes this.
  2. Hmm….
  3. I will be there
  4. Love this! Love the furniture and the chance to get an avatar!
  5. I love that the yellow poster on the wall is the same as an above bed item on PIMD. Nice lil detail, it didn't go unnoticed. πŸ€­πŸ’›
    Marceline_AT and Tifa like this.
  6. YAAASS all in and it's Aquarius Season πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ€—πŸ˜‰πŸŽΆπŸŽΆ
    Marceline_AT likes this.
  7. Well I definitely expected more than 3 microphones after defeating a rival rally. That was really disappointing.
    MizzRedd and Shiroyasha like this.
  8. this! They make it SO hard to collect one of the 2 items it happens everytime we have an event with drops.

    MizzRedd and Fluorite like this.
  9. Love it!!!
    BhaddieBee likes this.
  10. 500 energy for 3 microphones makes me not want to rally during events eh
    Tall_Lane likes this.
  11. Но мСнш дб