EVENT Winter Has Come! Join us for the Best in Snow and Single Bells events!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Marceline_AT, Dec 15, 2022.

  1. [​IMG]

    December 15th - January 5th
    12:00 PM Pacific Time

    (Previously, we've launched events at 1 PM but thanks to daylight savings, here we are.)

    Event Contests and Winter Drinks will be available until January 5th at 12 PM.
    Players will have an extra 72 hours to collect their event rewards until January 8th at 1 PM.
    Event rewards will be available for collection until January 9th at 1 PM!

    Earn points in the Best In Snow and Single Bells events by collecting Winter Drinks, which can be earned from a special Event contest each day and from Drink Shakers in the Store!

    Winter Drinks! Collect these from Daily Event Contests + Drink Shakers to earn event points!

    Drink Shakers will be available in the Store until January 5, 2023 @ 12pm PT with Winter Drinks in them.
    After that, they will be available until January 10th, 2023 @ 12 PM PT without Winter Drinks.


    One frozen frenzy not enough? Then take part in the Single Bells VIP Event!
    Unlock this VIP event by purchasing the Single Bells VIP Invite in the Store!


    VIP Premium Pass 🎅🏽



    Exclusively available from the Events!


    You didn't think the most wonderful time of the year wouldn't come with its very own custom furniture did you?


    Winter Cabin (L) and Cozy Cabin (R)
    Peep that indoor snowman. Only available through the Event Leaderboard ☃️

    How to get your hands on this Super Cool™️ Furniture:
    ❄️ Earn through event Contests!
    ❄️ Chance drops from opening up our Winter Furniture Boxes!


    Winter Furniture Boxes can be opened with Winter Furniture Credits.

    Earn Winter Furniture Credits the following ways:
    ❄️ Complete stars in Best In Snow and Single Bells events!
    ❄️ As rewards from Drink Shakers!
    ❄️ Or purchase them directly from the Store!



    Over the next 12 days, log in every single day to receive an Advent Gift in the Store! Each gift will only be available for 24 HOURS so be sure to collect it daily!

    From Powerup Box Credits to Drink Tickets to Furniture Credits (and maybe even Legendary furniture 👀 ...), you don't want to miss out!

    The final gift will be available on Dec 26, 2022 @ 12pm PT.

    Again, please note that you'll have to log in each day to earn that day's reward! If you miss out, you won't get another chance to earn that day's gift!

    #1 Marceline_AT, Dec 15, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
    PussyCat, MizzRedd, Tall_Lane and 2 others like this.
  2. Stop throwing furniture and avatars at me, I haven’t even finished the last set for the lore!
  3. Lol I just want legendary Roomies 😭
    BuffyButter likes this.
  4. It’s way to hard to win these rewards and I’m too poor to buy :confused:
  5. Yeah Me too but I like the game
  6. So the event furniture is common? I opened three boxes and was disappointed with common furniture, or do I just have bad luck? I was looking forward to this event to level up.

    Hoping there were going to be legendary nuts & bolts in the event/ I have over 1k rare bolts they’re so easy to get now. Impossible to find epic and legendary.

    Glad to have a new event, hoping to see better rewards for the next one.
  7. My only pet peeve is the two different wood colours on the winter cabin which is low key driving me insane.

    Love the furni overall though!
  8. Me too I need legendary stars
  9. I was disappointed I keep receiving the same items.
  10. Work in a different occupation?
  11. Exited for what???
  12. What are you good at?
  13. What would you like baby?
  14. Buna seara tuturor