Gifts and Packages

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Drii, Nov 29, 2022.

  1. I’m receiving gifts from my crew’s other members and would like to return the favor. Does this happen automatically when we help, or how is it done?
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  2. It happens when you do Collabs - at random times your roomie will get a Collab box Lv X as a reward (where X is the level of the Collab you did). When your roomie returns home, the box is shared across the crew
  3. You can also unlock a caffeination package through SC Academy which you can gift to your crew but it costs gems to buy them
  4. So when we receive these packages all we have to do is open it and then clear all because I’m not sure what happens after that it’s the only option I’ve been given seems weird
  5. Yes open and clear. You can only hold so many of these packages so if you don’t clear you can’t get new ones. When you open them they get added to your inventory
    Kara1 likes this.