COMMUNITY CONTEST Hoppy Easter! An Easter Bunny Colouring Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by [ATA]Ramona, Mar 10, 2024.

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  1. [​IMG]




    Hoppy springtime, Citizens! 🌷🐣

    Let's usher in a new season with a Single City Easter Bunny Colouring community contest!
    We're absolutely floored by the quality submissions to our previous contests - we hope you enjoy this one, too 🐰🍫🌷

    💌 Fill in one of the provided Easter Bunny colouring pages and post it in this thread! 💌

    Step 1:
    Save one of the images below

    Step 2:
    Print it out and colour it, OR colour it digitally

    Step 3:
    Post it here!

    Bonus points for making your bunny Single City-themed!

    You can colour...

    Blank Bunny (the most open-ended and creative option! 😉)
    Detailed Bunny (if you need a hand!)

    Using any art materials, colour in one of these 👆 Easter Bunnies.
    Get creative with your lovable lapin! Prizes include Legendary Stars for our top contenders 🌟

    This contest will run for TWO WHOLE WEEKS! 😱
    Channel your inner kindergartener, grab your crumbly ol' crayons (or MS Paint, Photoshop, etc...) and join the fun!


    Entries will be judged based on creativity, effort, and amusement factor ✨🧑‍🎨✨

    Digital and physical creations are allowed. 💻🎨

    You MUST write your Single City username somewhere on the entry, or we can't give you prizes! 😢

    🔥 HOT TIP 🔥
    Try including Single City elements in your entry!
    XP Bars, Furniture Materials, dressing the bunny like a Roomie, etc...

    5x LEGENDARY STARS are awarded to the most on-brand rabbit! 😉


    The contest will be closed on April 10th at 4.00 PM PT.
    Winners will be announced the following day, April 11th at 4.00 PM PT.


    Our prizes are the stuff of ✨LEGENDS✨! 😉

    Coveted Legendary Stars(!!), Nuts & Bolts, and Nails & Glue await our top contestants∼


    🥇 1st PLACE 🥇
    20 x Legendary Stars(!!)
    30 x Legendary Nuts & Bolts
    30 x Legendary Nails & Glue

    🥈 2nd PLACE 🥈
    15 x Legendary Stars
    20 x Legendary Nuts & Bolts
    20 x Legendary Nails & Glue

    🥉 3rd PLACE 🥉
    10 x Legendary Stars
    15 x Legendary Nuts & Bolts
    15 x Legendary Nails & Glue

    🏅 4th-10th PLACE 🏅
    5 x Legendary Stars
    10 x Legendary Nuts & Bolts
    10 x Legendary Nails & Glue


    We have 3 bonus categories this time around:

    Awarded to the Easter-iest Easter Bunny!

    🏙️ MOST ON-BRAND 🏙️
    The Easter Bunny with the most Single City elements!

    The Easter Bunny who brings the most laughs!

    The winner for each bonus category gets +5 x Legendary Stars!!!


    1. Upload your photo over at!
      You might have to create an account if you don't have one.​
    2. Once uploaded, right click on your image, and select 'Copy Image Address'.
      If you are on mobile, long-press the image until you see an option to copy the link. Depending on your device, this could mean selecting 'share image' first, etc.​
    3. Paste the link you copied between the tags code as shown below:​



    How 'bout adding ✨💎 up to 8,000 GEMS 💎✨ to your chocolate trove this year?

    ✨March 26 - April 26 ONLY✨

    The Easter Bunny springs into the City with TWO Contests!
    Keep an eye out for the Easter Social Contest running on our official Instagram and Facebook:

    👉 Instagram @playsinglecity! 👈
    👉 Facebook playsinglecity 👈

    For a chance to be among the lucky few, make like a rabbit and hop to it!

    Happy Easter, Citizens! We can't wait to see what everybunny creates∼

    #1 [ATA]Ramona, Mar 10, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
    Tiera9 likes this.
  2. [​IMG]
    CANNANIPS (OG username: Cannabisseur)
    #2 Stinky_Johnson171, Mar 27, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2024
  3. [​IMG]
    I’m not sure if I’m doing the code right so sorry for the spam.

    IGN - MORRlGAN ( it’s a lower case L ) city 157 ( old username zlxbrittney )
  4. [​IMG]
    #4 MORRlGAN, Mar 27, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2024
    badasskitty, Zaruska, Roxyyy and 4 others like this.
  5. How do I do this
  6. This doesn't make sense on how to clothes bunny
  7. ┻┳|・ω・)ノ just draw on it!
  8. look at what some people have already done in this thread! :)

    1. Save the image
    2. Print it and colour it, OR use Photoshop to colour it
    3. Post it here!
  9. (´• ω •`) ♡ bun bun is in a lil pond!!!
    MORRlGAN likes this.
  10. Sweet_Lady_K_420 and MORRlGAN like this.
  11. #12 Binky, Mar 27, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2024
    Jweey, Zaruska, HEARTYx and 3 others like this.
  12. awww cutie, there's a little basket and everything (´• ω •`) ♡
  13. [​IMG]
    Username chicana_xo
    I don't think it worked 😕
    #14 chicana_xo, Mar 28, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2024
  14. Σ(°ロ°) neon bunny! it looks like street art crossed with a sticker book, super cute!!
    chicana_xo likes this.
  15. RALLY UP!!!
    Jweey, CheekZz, Megnificent and 11 others like this.
  16. Love it!😍
    vexo likes this.
  17. Σ(°ロ°)

    oh wow!!!! the cutest rally @Vexe , this is the only time i'll get behind aggression against adorable bunbuns
    vexo likes this.
  18. & with any luck...[​IMG]
    POOF 🪄
  19. [​IMG]
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