PVP ruining this game

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TsukiLunaMoon, Feb 11, 2023.


Is the pvp turning you off the game too ?

Poll closed Feb 14, 2023.
  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. The increase in pvp is making the game no fun anymore. Don't enjoy losing resources I worked to get to thieves
  2. If you stay under cap you won’t lose your resources at home. Try increasing your cap or spending it before PVP
  3. I'm sorry, I'm not an ALL DAY player, meaning I may get on two or three times to finish all events etc but I'm not on for every notification or for hours at a time all day everyday like some people. I work long hours and come home to kids. I say all that to say, I'm soooooo sick of this stupid ass oh so and so is coming to start drama mess! Especially when I'm not even logged in! Getting hit 12 times by one person just to get hit 5 more times by someone else til they can't hit me anymore. The game has no rules posted on how to play just ask other people and it's stupid but there are certain aspects of the game that I like so I continue to play. I already spend money on this game and I shouldn't have to spend $100 a day or week just to keep gems to buy do not disturb signs since it's the only way to get them if not offered in some super event! If I'm not on the game there shouldn't be an option to pvp. Simple, it should be like my house is invisible. I'm going to find another game like this without all this player vs player interaction and next this game. They cater to children.
  4. @QueenBrownSkin it sounds like you need a game with no PVP. You won’t be able to find one of these that are online. Most online games have PVP. Sounds like you need an offline, single player, no interaction game to suit your needs.

    I’m not an all day player either, but have learned to protect myself. This game was designed with PVP in mind so it’s not going anywhere
    KehlaniStLaurent likes this.
  5. I wouldn’t hesitate to say that most games with pvp do not commonly penalize you by taking away the resources that you need to grow and be competitive. ATA games (while not unique!) typically do have higher stakes than the norm.
  6. I’m regards to person above me, tis the point of pvp, I come from the other ata games where pvp is the main priority, just gotta take the L and learn to multitask with real life and virtual. Especially if you know they attack when you’re busy, it’s the main play. I myself would do it too. Big risk comes with big rewards
    KehlaniStLaurent likes this.
  7. Losing resources by pvp seems to be normal from other games I’ve played, it feels a bit cushioned here more though because of precautions you can take. Which I’m grateful for! Staying undercap, shielding and moving roomies is nice. I am bummed about the new update where you can lose rep not collected
    Buttocks likes this.