
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MissTanee, Feb 12, 2023.

  1. There should be a marketplace to sell items or to make trades for items you need.
  2. Yeah I’m stuck and can’t upgrade. I need a 3 tier living room art but have only ever gotten a common one. There’s no way for me to purchase a better one it seems
    MissTanee likes this.
  3. It would be nice if you could do an upgrade with parts
    Like 1000 common to get 100 rare parts.
    1000 rare to get yellow and so on..
    It would help, because alot of us have too many common upgrade material we cant use for anything.

    Im refering to all kind of upgrade. Material.
    Paris2k, jeninova_, kiryii and 3 others like this.
  4. I was just the same today. I needed 105 more cushions so I finally just bought a furniture pack so that i can finally move forward🤦🏾‍♀️
  5. They will eventually show up in shop, keep watching for it in the 3 pieces that refresh each day. And collab as much as you can and open home token boxes, they do drop sometimes. And if you were playing then you could have gotten one from lunar new years shop.
    MizzRedd likes this.
  6. (I have 7 extra myself, and have recycled some through the months as well)
  7. And to be clear, all living room art is common! It’s only the ikeo starters that can’t be upgraded past 20.
    MizzRedd likes this.
  8. Ooooh okay thanks so much this is very helpful
  9. Second this! My commons just pile up
    Shih_tzu_not and Paris2k like this.
  10. I am really enjoying the events. The pride furniture looks great. I hope you bring back the rollerskate event and make it as big with as much furniture furniture and stuff like the pride event want to see the same in the rollerskate theme
  11. I wish we could receive a notification when someone of the crew start a rally!
    WhimsyWanton and dj_kira like this.
  12. This effin game rewards SUCK!!!! Game always stealing my left over event tokens and don’t give any credits for them. At the end of this latest event, game stole nearly 8k event furniture credits. This game is built by thieves!
  13. I believe that the games furniture should be more attainable to make it more fun. I understand that the game developers want to make money however it is unfair that you have to pretty much spend 100 dollars in real money to obtain anything nice. That’s more than it cost to buy a single full PC game, and unfortunately is not something all of us can say we have the luxury of getting in todays society. Obtaining gems daily is slow, and even if you save them or buy the 10 dollar package you don’t have enough to get any nice furniture. It would be great if the developers took the gamers more into consideration.
  14. Even when you spend money unless you’re on the special lucky list it makes no difference!
    Paris2k likes this.
  15. Can I make a suggestion where we can trade items with other people in your crew
  16. Suggestions: Add time zones to reports, give us level 5 chads, more ways to get bricks over time🥰