Feel Free To Join SKS (Stoner Kitty Society) We are a drama free crew who help each other and we do quite a bit of rallies. You have to be at least 2mcs to join. We don’t tolerate drama and we stick together as a crew of another crew hits one of our members our entire crew will retaliate if needed but we try to avoid any type of confrontation if possible. We are #4 on the leaderboards.
The title for this forum thread should say Furniture Material Gathering Nodes coz its FuMaGaN. I guess there's just a typo mix-up.
How long did it take you to get to level 9 and have you reached level 10 yet and what did it take for you to obtain it I’m just reaching level 1 for her and I’ve only been playing this game for a few weeks and I’m pretty lost on how to really play the game I’m just guessing as I go along to be honest can you please give me some insight on how to play
Hi I want to tell you I love you my secret is about my love my love this boy there is RJ he was Cunt you at my school what tiring ever talk to him he won’t me the mirrors fuck me again he was the BTSBTS the most the things in the world mega popular things ever Darrow passion and came to the others who is someone say hello and thank you their language to say hello to me every time they saw me my is
Level up things as Contests appear for them to get extra rewards. Ex: Friendzone contest scores when you level up your roomies with XP bars and stars. When you complete each tier of a contest you get materials and resources! Don’t just follow the recommended research in SC Academy. Click around the trees and see what you need next. Ex: Always low on cash? Research cash production and cap. Join a GOOD CREW! One with active members and more than just a few. Your crew can help you grow, both by advice and gifts. DON’T WASTE GEMS. They will be harder to get as the game goes on. Don’t blow them until you get a feel for what they’re worth!
I am stuck at level 2 for the past month. I am supposed to get so. Mojito lady but there is no way in the game for me to get her. What I am supposed to do? I am super upset because nothing I do makes me go up a level.
Don’t worry about Anita Mojito, not many people have her. What do you mean you’re stuck on level 2? Everything has different levels. The number on your house doesn’t mean all that much. It’s your influence and roomie strengths that are important. Upgrade rooms, upgrade furniture, upgrade roomie furniture, tier and level up Roomie, and unlock things in SC Academy. That’s how to level up. If you’re short on cash, you should be gathering. Don’t use recommended in SC, just scroll through the trees and start researching things that will get you more cash. Click around, get to know the app
Continue gathering bolts from the same site. Each new gather will spawn a different node. Common (gray) then tou might spawn blue rare glue next gather, next one blue rare nails and bolts etc.
, какой у Вас вопрос? Могу ли я чем-нибудь Вам помочь? Вернитесь к диалогу, когда Вам , какой у Вас вопрос? Могу ли я чем-нибудь Вам помочь? Вернитесь к диалогу, когда Вам же нужна пучок спаржи, 2 килограмма помидоров и сахар Продавец: Хорошо, какой сахар? Кусочками или пудра? Покупатель: пудра подойдет. У вас есть смягчитель? Продавец: Да, у нас есть. Это прямо здесь, в моющем отделе Покупатель: Наконец, я возьму два ломтика копченой ветчины и 3 отбивных из свинины Продавец: Хорошо, это 25 долларов, вот ваш чек Продавец
П лю о с до Он Х'ю кзачыылэбирууриаожь6, какой у Вас вопрос? Могу ли я чем-нибудь Вам помочь? Вернитесь к диалогу, когда Вам i cant understan anythingi cant understan anything
, какой у Вас вопрос? Могу ли я чем-нибудь Вам помочь? Вернитесь к диалогу, когда Вам , какой у Вас вопрос? Могу ли я чем-нибудь Вам помочь? Вернитесь к диалогу, когда Вам же нужна пучок спаржи, 2 килограмма помидоров и сахар Продавец: Хорошо, какой сахар? Кусочками или пудра? Покупатель: пудра подойдет. У вас есть смягчитель? Продавец: Да, у нас есть. Это прямо здесь, в моющем отделе Покупатель: Наконец, я возьму два ломтика копченой ветчины и 3 отбивных из свинины Продавец: Хорошо, это 25 долларов, вот ваш чек Продавец