Followers can’t be spent, they’re just there to be a pvp toy and stolen. Rep you can spend on allies, or eventually research in sc academy.
What says to spend followers? There’s literally nothing to spend followers on, they have no purpose yet. Can only be taken by PVP.
Rep you can spend on buying Allies and buying classes in SC Academy you will need a lot of Rep there if you are overcapped.
My game tells me that my followers are overcap & i am vulnerable to drama. It says overcap resources can be stolen by other places and to activity my security or spend overcap to avoid drama. How do i do that?
You can’t protect your followers, everyone’s are overcap if they are over 3k it’s just how the game works; they are easily stolen and add to your influence so if you were to say have 50m influence, and then 2m followers got stolen you’d only have 48m influence.